It supports safespotting if you set a spell to use on the GUI
I'm afraid I'm not currently handling trials on any scripts
Should be fixed in a couple of hours
I'm afraid I'm not currently handling trials on any scripts
I'll push a quick update shortly
I'll run a few tests and hopefully include a fix today to make it smoother
I've pushed a few quick fixes that will hopefully improve walking in the maze and hopping worlds if the shed is occupied. I remember rewriting this quest last month but looks like it's still the old version. I'll find the other version and replace it entirely, but it should be working better atm.
Try to close some apps that take up too many resources/run less clients on the same device, the client won't work properly if it it's getting restricted on CPU/RAM (also don't use the lowcpu option, that affects scripts execution too)
It will use absorptions if you set absorptions on the GUI under inventory, just increase the number right next to absorptions from 0 to the desired potions to take per inventory (up to 28)
I'm discontinuing the version 2 GUI as planned atm, so I'll be pushing a few updates over the next few hours (version 2 may still be there but it won't work during this time)
Alright, I'll add some code to make it hop world if the shed is already occupied
Are you using mirror mode? Do you have any non-default bank settings? Is it missing any items? Did you run on F2P or P2P?
Yes but it will require everything (including enchanted jewelry and teleport tabs that are not officially listed under quest requirements) so that may not be worth it for iron men, there is an iron man mode (press F5 on the GUI) that gathers required items but only supports 5 quests atm
Yes, as long as your offensive stats are good enough to kill the outlaws/king roald without getting too much damage. Something like fire strike may work, but I haven't tested that.
I'm afraid I'm not currently handling trials on any scripts
Thanks for the feedback
I'm not currently working on any new quests, but I will be adding new ones in the future. I'm working more on the current code atm.