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  1. Need a talking script bot that can just say random things or conversations, when players come around it can be like 'hi.' Also be able to report other players if they don't respond back jajaj. mixing conversations, with report bans, etc. i mean it would benefit us botters by flooding reports in kind of a legit way to make it harder to differentiate. not sure why osbot does't have anything like this in the client settings to enable after all this time makes no sense.
  2. @Token any updates planning to come out for the script seems like their is bunch of issues ^^^
  3. anybody still using this before I spend a dub on it? how is this still performing or is this still a working script
  4. matsom1

    Stealth Quester

    I lowkey used fire surge lmaoooo
  5. matsom1

    Stealth Quester

    error on lost city just clicks and sits here. logs included logs_13_01_2025-22_31_33.txt
  6. matsom1

    Stealth Quester

    The Ascent Of Arceuus is not on the list anymore did it get removed?
  7. can i get trial pls!<3
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