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Posts posted by Chikan

  1. I'm trying to write a PC script for myself, but I got snagged on the instancing of the tiles.


    What I've tried so far was to simply use Explv's map and just throw the area in and end my day.

    Area DefenceArea = new Area (2670,2585,2643,2602);

    Area PrimaryDefenceArea = new Area (2653,2596,2660,2589);


    Obviously these won't work since it's an instanced area and the tiles will vary each time so my question is: How would I properly get these kind tiles positions?


    Or, if possible how would I use fa660bddb4a0420eebe56da4b6aa5995.png
    As I've noticed those are seemingly static in instanced areas.


    Any help appriciated.

  2. If they add the stat change option to the sand casino, I feel like they just make the gambling problem even more rampant. Perhaps even allow a new group of people who were potentially barred off maxed main staking because they didn't have access to an account like that. That also could mean more RWT'ing :doge: wp jamflex, you played yourself..

    To add on to this, adding more hoops to jump over for gold farmers isn't going to do anything. It's just going to slighly fatten the wallets of the AIO Service Slaves.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Qubit said:

    the only way to do that is with cracked VM image and if I'm developing something I will be marketing I don't want a rat-infested environment.

    Well, you've got a few options:

    1. Check out craigslist and find someone selling their old mac's

    2. Check out Hackintsh (I'd link, but I don't think I'm allowed just google it. It'll be the first link.)

    3. Tablets are cheap, I suppose you could attach an external keyboard to it and try your luck.
    4. Pony up whatever it costs for a Mac these days.

  4. 19 hours ago, guywithlsd said:

    shit, this is next OSRS in terms of botting. I bet you can run vanilla WOW on potato and if i understand correctly, it's super boring and super grindy just like OSRS, so gold will be in demand


    China already has this covered. You might think I'm memeing but, on nostalrius there was a Chinese guild that had total control over Un'goro crater meaning they had control over the herb and mining gold markets and sold at absurd prices. Good luck trying to out sell people who can litterally live inside of a pc bang indefinitely by being part of this 'inner ring' of gold farmers.

  5. 40 minutes ago, Juggles said:

    Yeah its bound to happen. It'll be funny to see all the 12 year old investors of osbot lose all their money they used from their moms credit card 

    Yeah its bound to happen. It'll be funny to see all the 12 year old investors of osbot lose all their money they used from their moms credit card 

    Yeah its bound to happen. It'll be funny to see all the 12 year old investors of osbot lose all their money they used from their moms credit card 

    Yeah its bound to happen. It'll be funny to see all the 12 year old investors of osbot lose all their money they used from their moms credit card 

    holy spammerino botmen

    • Like 1
  6. What the fuck is that incline. This reminds me of that one historical event: The Great Depression


    People thought their money could only get more, and more exponential until it collapses and suddenly everyone is broke.



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