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Posts posted by Chikan

  1. I've been having issues webwalking to ardougne from anywhere, it will either

    1. throw an error for webwalking area not found.

    2. Not do anything

    3. Get stuck on charter ships in port sarim to any other port.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, IDontEB said:

    For what it's used for online I think you should read https://seekingalpha.com/article/4122695-bitcoin-series-2-usage The guy gives a pretty decent break down in how he comes to estimate that between 1-5% of bitcoins are used for commerce and the of the 95-99% are used for speculative purposes (aka trading on an exchange).

    Oh shit thanks, I'll definitely read that and try to use it. :D

  3. Hello everyone, if you do not already know me I go by Chikan or Austin. (Whichever you prefer)

    I am a first year CPA student, and one of my courses has just began a statistics project; for my subject I've chosen to do a small study on bitcoin. This study will include statistics about bitcoin, it's prices, how volatile it can be, what it is used for in the online world etc. For anyone who deals in bitcoin, or has dealed with bitcoin I'm asking if you could please take a moment out of your day and fill out a very quick survey and help me out with my project!

    Thank you in advance to everyone who participates! The link can be found here.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, IDontEB said:

    Is this who you listened too when you were sad at night? It seems like this is quite personal for you with the way you responded to everyone here.

    As for helping people with their own problems, that's highly debatable. I haven't listened to his music but from what I quickly read in 5 minutes it's easy to see he was just another loser with some kind of problem even though he came from a well educated family. That's the typical "white" stereotype for people like that. His excessive and reckless drug use negates what "help" he did for people because he would post videos of himself doing various drugs suggesting that such things are okay for people to do. With his target audience being young teens/adults with problems in their lives who are very impressionable in their current states, he may have caused more harm then any help. In my opinion, all he did was provide entertainment for people who enjoyed that genre. 

    If you define "helping people" as telling people it's okay to live the current life they're living and giving them comfort in knowing their not alone without providing a means to resolve their problems then yeah he sure did "help" a lot of people. The least he could have done for his fans was to inspire them but trying to get his shit together.

    "Help" em right into an early grave bruv. :feels:

    • Like 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, The Legman said:

    Coming from the mod who got banned, then bought a rank to become unbanned and is now a global mod?

    It wasn't random drugs he died from, simply a overdose - sure it's his own fault but addiction is no joke. Prick.

    A 'shit' musician who helped thousands of people struggling with their own problems. In my eyes if someone helps other people with their struggles, whether it be him or someone like Logic, then they can't be slated for trying to address problems in society nowadays. So how about you try and make some contribution to society before trying to shit down on others who do. So stfu :)

    nice post count farm there bby x

    Well, more valuable to society than your useless ass. Shame it's not you instead of him eh?

    Sorry, I don't consider drug addicts members of society. I'd have some respect for him if he got some help before he offed himself; good riddance.


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  6. 10 minutes ago, Culpable said:

    Can i get any help?? I am just waiting with nothing going on. @Maldesto or someone else..

    Is this a shadowban from your system to prevent me from botting? This bot has so many issues.

    Wasting what money, you're a gray name. :???: Bot works for me, check your proxy settings and make sure they're entered correctly. Check your internet connection, check your brain aswell to make sure it's working properly.

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