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Posts posted by Chikan

  1. 12 hours ago, itsmejb4 said:

    This moves too quick and it overall just seems botlike as fuckk, I'd like a refund. Please fix otherwise

    Contact Maldesto for a refund, the scripters themselves aren't able to do them.

    48 minutes ago, itsmejb4 said:

    Yes there is actually. My bot kept stopping for some fucking reason it was infuriating honestly. Almost always after leveling up. Dude fuck you. Why release a script if its shit? I've seen free scripts with more effort in them. This is a simple as shit script and you somehow manage to make it shit. Suck a fucking dick you prick

    How about instead of acting like an idiot, we leave proper feedback about what exactly is wrong/if anything is wrong in the first place. That way, Acerd over here can look into it and get it fixed.

    :ban: Looking forward to seeing you gone :ban:


    "no not really you idiot" - you probably


    "god damnit not another shitty low level monster killer..." - you probably


    Download below--

    (not obfuscated, feel free to decompile and take a peak)

    Edit: Something went fucky with the first time I uploaded it, but the new one should be the correct one. The other one was a borked export with some stuff I added not updating.

    ^^personal git link for anyone having issues decompiling^^


    • Like 3
    • Mald 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Maldesto said:

    Looking for my wife a laptop for school, black Friday, anyone see any good deals for a school laptop around?

    This would be much easier if you also let it know what she might be needing it for.

    Light browsing? Text editing? 3D rendering? Simulation? This woman could be an aronautical engineer for all I know. I've got some time to kill and browse today if I know what I'm looking for, fren.

  4. Do you have any other ram lying around to test them out? If it's the ram issue, new ram will solve it. If not, then the issue is with the mobo and that'll need to be replaced to fix the issue.

    Also make sure there is no dust or otherwise inside the slots.

    • Like 2
  5. On 20/11/2017 at 7:59 AM, Explv said:


    Here is an example I came up with.

    Note that this is completely untested, but hopefully should help you understand what I meant in my previous comment.


    import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position;
    import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
    import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;
    @ScriptManifest(author = "Explv", name = "Example", info = "", logo = "", version = 0.1)
    public final class ExampleScript extends Script {
          This is getMap().getBaseX() and getMap().getBaseX()
          when the player is standing in boat at the start of Pest Control
          in the instance when all Positions and Areas were collected
        private static final int BOAT_REGION_BASE_X = 1234;
        private static final int BOAT_REGION_BASE_Y = 1234;
        // This position was collected in the same instance as the above base x and base y
        private static final Position PORTAL_POSITION = new Position(1, 2, 0);
        // This area was collected in the same isntance as the above base x and base y
        private static final CustomArea EXAMPLE_AREA = new CustomArea(1, 2, 3, 4);
        // These are the offsets from the current instance positions and the above positions
        private int offsetX = 0;
        private int offsetY = 0;
        // Determines if we have updated the above offsets in the current instance
        private boolean offsetsUpdated = false;
        public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
            if (inPestControlGame()) {
                if (!offsetsUpdated) {
                    offsetX = BOAT_REGION_BASE_X - getMap().getBaseX();
                    offsetY = BOAT_REGION_BASE_Y - getMap().getBaseY();
                    offsetsUpdated = true;
            } else {
                offsetsUpdated = false;
            if (!getInstancedArea(EXAMPLE_AREA).contains(myPosition())) {
            return 600;
        private boolean inPestControlGame() {
            // Maybe check a widget exists or something
            return true;
        private Position getInstancedPosition(final Position position) {
            return position.translate(offsetX, offsetY);
        private Area getInstancedArea(final CustomArea area) {
            return area.translate(offsetX, offsetY);
    // Creating a CustomArea class so that we can store the start and end position
    // and also add a handy translate method
    class CustomArea extends Area {
        private Position startPosition, endPosition;
        public CustomArea(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
            super(x1, y1, x2, y2);
            startPosition = new Position(x1, y1, 0);
            endPosition = new Position(x2, y2, 0);
        public Area setPlane(final int z) {
            startPosition = new Position(startPosition.getX(), startPosition.getY(), z);
            endPosition = new Position(endPosition.getX(), endPosition.getY(), z);
            return this;
        public Area translate(final int offsetX, final int offsetY) {
            return new Area(startPosition.translate(offsetX, offsetY), endPosition.translate(offsetX, offsetY));


    ily :wub:

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