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Posts posted by Chikan

  1. 27 minutes ago, HeyImJamie said:

    Probably not the best fix but setting a plane might fix the first issue.

    For the second, try looking at the null. It usually shows you how to fix it :) I'd assume you're not null checking the obstacle

    I did null check the obstacle, I think I just didn't pass the method correctly. :feels:

    As for the issues, I think what Dreameo suggested to me fixed what I needed:

    1. Path to a random tile whatever area, and then just do what I'm doin normally while in that area.

    2. Setting a plane might've worked too. :think:

    Thanks for the reply :)



  2. I've got a few questions for you gents that are online during the holidays

    1. Webwalking -- Is there a way to disable going up ladders? In this context, I'm using webwalker in motherloade mine (It's mem intensive I know, but it's temporary). In the area I set to walk, some of the area tiles also happen to share a tile with the second floor there. This then causes the webwalker to want to climb the ladder to get to those upper tiles. However, if I exclude these tiles it causes some issues with filtering when it comes to my mining method.

    So, to fix this I can think of 2 ways:

    Way 1: I somehow set it to filter my area +1 tile around the area

    Way 2: Disable webwalker trying to climb ladders (if possible)


    2. Pathwalking -- I've got a few paths setup, however I cannot seem to find how to deal with obstacles in my way. -- I've tried checking myPlayer().getArea(radius).contains(Obstacle) but this will just throw null pointers at me and I just don't understand why (just general inexperience I guess). (getArea(radius) <- this I'm not sure how the int for radius works, is it checking the number of tiles around me? so for example getArea(5) = 5 tile radius around my player?).


    So, overall how can I tackle these two issues?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Viston said:

    See image for section reference.

    1. The dog is like "Stay the fuck away from him you whore. Eating you for dinner.

    2. What the fuck is that head doing.

    3. Nice hairy arms, I like that, but mine are more :feels:

    4. What the fuck is that? SWAT type stairs?

    5. Don't tell me this is your cats prison...

    6. Unknown fucking object, looks like a cat, show us.


    1. Dog is my grandmas dog, who I'm dog siting while she recovers from surgery. (shes ok)
    2. Little brother trying (and failing) to get out of the picture.
    3. T H I C C
    4. There's stair type things outside of the frame that my cats use to climb up.
    5. lmao :xboge: the otherside is wide open for them to play in, carpet and toys on the inside.
    6. Side of a pillow, not much else to see. :feels:

    24 minutes ago, Mordred said:

    @Chikan Our child?


  4. Hate to be that guy, but like it or not but this is a reality and possibility when dealing with the "runescape black market". Bad things, and bad people do happen. I'm sorry to see you were scammed by another user, its very pathetic to have people like that exist.


    Sorry for your loss.

  5. 20 minutes ago, CreamCaramel said:

    are those scripts that hard to write ?

    If you wanted a functional one that does for example 5m stakes and just goes and does the stake then sure, it's not hard. But if you wanted something a little better, with some more features than it might be best to have someone knowledgable write it.

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