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    Soccer, girls, scripting, designing

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  1. Hey man, could I get a trial for the sand crab script please? Thanks!
  2. Ace

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Hey, can I get a trial please?
  3. Can buy it all if you still sell it: www.acegoldshop.com
  4. It strongly depends who you get your scripts from :P Joke, Casper bots wisely, good luck man!
  5. Hey, I'm looking to have the following quests and stats done BY HAND, no macroing. You will be provided with fresh accounts (1-3) and all the items/supplies needed will be provided by you and I will not go first if I don't deem you more trusted than myself. Quests: -Tutorial Island -Tree Gnome Strongold -Vampire Slayer -What Lies Below -Rune Mysteries -Lost City -Mountain Daughter Skills: -35 Runecrafting -31 Crafting -36 Woodcutting -20 Agility -70 Attack -70 Strength -70 Defense I'd prefer to have one worker to do the whole task in a reasonable period of time. I'm paying around 30-40m 07 gold or $33-44 via Paypal per account! So please only contact me if you are serious about this and somewhat experienced, thanks! My only skype is: acehd. (With the dot)
  6. Bought several times from him, awesome guy!
  7. Leave an offer mate Are you the original owner and does it come with an unregistered e-mail?
  8. Hey, I'm interested in 85 mining accounts, preferably low combat lvl and no offences. I'll pay with 07 gp to members I deem trustworthy or otherwise with paypal. Post your prices down below and leave your skype or add my skype: acehd. (With the dot)
  9. I translated this method from another bot's api to osbot's api: import org.osbot.rs07.api.Client; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.RS2Widget; import org.osbot.rs07.input.mouse.RectangleDestination; import org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider; import org.osbot.rs07.script.RandomBehaviourHook; import org.osbot.rs07.script.RandomEvent; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import java.awt.*; public class Hopping { static Script script; public static final int[] WORLDS = {1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,18,19,20,21, 22,25,26,27,28,29,30,33,34,35,36,37,38,41,42,43,44,45,46,49,50,51,52,53,54,57,58, 59,60,61,62,65,66,67,68,69,70,73,74,75,76,77,78,81,82,83,84,93,94}; private static final int[] FREE_WORLDS = {8,16,81,82,83,84,93,94}; private static final int[] PVP_WORLDS = {25,37,18,65,57,52,45}; private static final int[] POPULAR_WORLDS = {1,81}; private static final Color LOGIN_SCREEN = new Color(255,255,0); private static final Color WORLD_SELECT = new Color(0, 0, 0); private static final Color NEW_USER = new Color(255,255,255); private static boolean quickLogout = false; private static boolean excludeFree = true; private static boolean excludePVP = true; private static boolean excludePopular = true; public static boolean hop() throws InterruptedException { //Hops to a random world if(!logout()){ return false; } openWorldSelect(); int world = 0; //Make sure world is valid while(!isValid(world) || excludeFree && isFree(world) || excludePVP && isPVP(world) || excludePopular && isPopular(world)){ world = WORLDS[MethodProvider.random(0, 67)]; } selectWorld(world); openLoginInfo(); return login() && getCurrentWorld() == world; } public static boolean hop(int[] exclusions) throws InterruptedException { //Hops to a random world excluding exclusions if(!logout()){ return false; } openWorldSelect(); int world = 0; //Make sure world is valid while(!isValid(world) || excludeFree && isFree(world) || excludePVP && isPVP(world) || excludePopular && isPopular(world) || isExclusion(exclusions, world)){ world = WORLDS[MethodProvider.random(0, 67)]; } selectWorld(world); openLoginInfo(); return login() && getCurrentWorld() == world; } public static boolean hop(int world) throws InterruptedException { //Hop to a specific world if(!logout()){ return false; } while(!isValid(world) || excludeFree && isFree(world) || excludePVP && isPVP(world) || excludePopular && isPopular(world)){ world = WORLDS[MethodProvider.random(0, 67)]; } openWorldSelect(); selectWorld(world); openLoginInfo(); return login() && getCurrentWorld() == world; } public static boolean logout() throws InterruptedException { try { while (script.getClient().getLoginState() == Client.LoginState.LOGGED_IN && !script.myPlayer().isUnderAttack()) { if(script.getLogoutTab().logOut()){ long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); while ((System.currentTimeMillis() - 1500L < time) && (!isOnLoginscreen())) { MethodProvider.sleep(250L); } } } } catch (Exception e) { } return isOnLoginscreen(); } private static boolean selectWorld(int world) throws InterruptedException{ //Selects the world provided Rectangle r = getWorldRectangle(world); while(isOnWorldSelect()){ script.getMouse().click(new RectangleDestination(script.getBot(), (int) r.getX(), (int) r.getY(), (int) (r.getX() + r.getWidth()), (int) (r.getY() + r.getHeight()))); MethodProvider.sleep(MethodProvider.random(500,750)); } return !isOnWorldSelect(); } private static boolean openWorldSelect() throws InterruptedException{ while(!isOnWorldSelect()){ script.getMouse().click(new RectangleDestination(script.getBot(), 12, 466, 98, 489)); MethodProvider.sleep(MethodProvider.random(500,750)); } return isOnWorldSelect(); } private static void openLoginInfo() throws InterruptedException{ while(!isOnWorldSelect() && !isOnLoginInfo() && script.getClient().getLoginState() != Client.LoginState.LOGGED_IN){ if(!isOnWarningScreen() && !isOnNewUser()){ script.getMouse().click(new RectangleDestination(script.getBot(), 400, 275, 505, 300)); }else if(isOnWarningScreen()){ script.getMouse().click(new RectangleDestination(script.getBot(), 245,308,360,335)); }else{ script.getMouse().click(new RectangleDestination(script.getBot(), 329, 310, 443, 330)); } MethodProvider.sleep(300); } } public static boolean login() throws InterruptedException { while(script.getClient().getLoginState() != Client.LoginState.LOGGED_IN){ script.getBot().getRandomExecutor().registerHook(new RandomBehaviourHook(RandomEvent.AUTO_LOGIN) { @Override public boolean shouldActivate() { return super.shouldActivate(); } }); MethodProvider.sleep(MethodProvider.random(500,750)); } return script.getClient().getLoginState() == Client.LoginState.LOGGED_IN; } public static int worldAsInt(int world){ for(int i = 0 ; i < WORLDS.length; i++) if(world == WORLDS[i]) return i; return 0; } public static String getState(){ //Return the current login state if(script.getClient().getLoginState() == Client.LoginState.LOGGED_IN) return "Ingame"; if(script.getClient().getLoginState() == Client.LoginState.LOGGED_IN) return "Welcome Screen"; if(isOnLoginscreen()) return "Login Screen"; if(isOnWorldSelect()) return "World Select"; if(isOnWarningScreen()) return "Warning Screen"; if(isOnLoginInfo()) return "Login Info"; if(isOnNewUser()) return "New User"; return "Unknown"; } private static boolean isOnLoginscreen(){ return colorsMatch(script.getColorPicker().colorAt(386, 250), LOGIN_SCREEN); } private static boolean isOnNewUser(){ return colorsMatch(script.getColorPicker().colorAt(383, 323), NEW_USER); } private static boolean isOnWorldSelect(){ return (colorsMatch(script.getColorPicker().colorAt(100, 100), WORLD_SELECT)) && (colorsMatch(script.getColorPicker().colorAt(600, 450), WORLD_SELECT)) && (colorsMatch(script.getColorPicker().colorAt(600, 50), WORLD_SELECT)) && (colorsMatch(script.getColorPicker().colorAt(100, 450), WORLD_SELECT)); } private static boolean isOnLoginInfo(){ return colorsMatch(script.getColorPicker().colorAt(275, 280), new Color(255,255,255)); } private static boolean isOnWarningScreen(){ return colorsMatch(script.getColorPicker().colorAt(408, 201), new Color(255,255,0)); } public static boolean isValid(int world){ for(int i : WORLDS){ if(world == i){ return true; } } return false; } private static boolean isFree(int world){ for(int i : FREE_WORLDS){ if(world == i){ return true; } } return false; } private static boolean isPVP(int world){ for(int i : PVP_WORLDS){ if(world == i){ return true; } } return false; } private static boolean isPopular(int world){ for(int i : POPULAR_WORLDS){ if(world == i){ return true; } } return false; } private static boolean isExclusion(int[] exclusions, int world){ for(int i : exclusions){ if(i == world){ return true; } } return false; } public static void paintRects(Graphics g){ if(getState().equals("World Select")){ g.setColor(Color.green); for(int world : WORLDS){ boolean draw = true; if(!isValid(world)) draw = false; if(excludePVP && isPVP(world)) draw = false; if(excludeFree && isFree(world)) draw = false; if(excludePopular && isPopular(world)) draw = false; if(draw){ Rectangle r = getWorldRectangle(world); g.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } } } } private static Rectangle getRectangle(int index){ int x = ((int) ((Math.floor(index) / 17) % 4) * 93) + 205; int y = ((int) (Math.ceil(index) % 17) * 24) + 61; return new Rectangle(x,y,81,18); } private static Rectangle getWorldRectangle(int world){ for(int i = 0; i < WORLDS.length; i++){ if(WORLDS[i] == world){ return getRectangle(i); } } return new Rectangle(0,0,0,0); } public static int getCurrentWorld(){ RS2Widget child = script.getWidgets().get(550, 2); if(child == null) return 0; return Integer.parseInt(child.getMessage().split(" ")[4])%300; //return Game.getCurrentWorld() % 300; } private static boolean colorsMatch(Color col1, Color col2){ return (col1.getRed() == col2.getRed()) && (col1.getGreen() == col2.getGreen()) && (col1.getBlue() == col2.getBlue()); } public static void setExcludeFree(boolean enabled){ excludeFree = enabled; } public static void setExcludePVP(boolean enabled){ excludePVP = enabled; } public static void setExcludePopular(boolean enabled){ excludePopular = enabled; } public static void setQuickLogout(boolean enabled){ quickLogout = enabled; } } but it gives some errors: java.lang.NullPointerException at Hopping.isOnLoginscreen(Hopping.java:183) at Hopping.logout(Hopping.java:112) at Hopping.hop(Hopping.java:33) at WorldHopper.execute(WorldHopper.java:44) at AceGDK.onLoop(AceGDK.java:251) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(yg:194) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  10. It's going to stay private
  11. I tried doing this to disable aut-login but it didn't disable it: this.bot.getRandomExecutor().registerHook(new RandomBehaviourHook(RandomEvent.AUTO_LOGIN) { public String getName() { return super.getName(); } public boolean shouldActivate() { return false; } }); it would still log me in when logged out of the game
  12. alright, I think I've found something that I will try out tomorrow
  13. How's it called? :p idk what to look for, or could you pm me the link? Yeah, but in between I want the script to hop world That's what came to my mind too, but there has to be a simpler way
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