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  1. liked, please give me a trial :-)
  2. Oh, that's a shame. Bot got stuck trying to solve bank pin throughout the night, and I got banned the very next day. Thank you anyway.
  3. My only problem so far is that the script gets stuck when trying to solve bank pins sometimes while on mirror mode. Any advice?
  4. May I please have a trial?
  5. Just purchased. Currently 45 cooking, looking for 70. Will keep you updated. Edit: This is scary fast lol
  6. Most rock crab areas are empty in most worlds... I am the only person there.. I have a feeling there's been a banning spree. I'll try and report a 10 hour proggy tomorrow anyway EDIT: https://gyazo.com/76925efdb89af28b147aae385a423932 Hope this lasts
  7. Apa, I'm nearing on 21 hours here on another run. I'll send you a link once I get it. I've been botting for around 10 years now. I'm happy to say this is the best script I've dealt with. Gave you a review. 5 stars. P.S.: @ 85 range, how much ranged xp/hr do you reckon this script gives?
  8. Mate, mirror mode back on track: http://gyazo.com/831d6ee17bdcbeb036077f087c24032b can go for longer but I need to switch off PC. Longest I ran with you was maybe 21 hours? Nonstop Keep on keeping on.
  9. Hiya Apa I just bought VIP again only to use your script. Seems to be still down?
  10. http://gyazo.com/27c711417d33a3dddd8a33a200a85449 18 hours proggie. Only comments (some mentioned above): - Bot cannot multi task the options you told us it can do. I've done a lot of trial and error and found the best option is the simplest. No pots. No spec. No logout. No World hop. Because of this, I think it may be riskier to get banned. What I mean here is that your bot stands still for hours if it shifts to another menu by mistake (although the command in your UI keeps saying "eating lobster") Can you fix the above? I am a really big fan. I want to use pots and specs again. I want to be able to hop worlds when there is a cannon... Can you also add dds spec option?
  11. dib

    Fruity NMZ

    Would you recommend this for a pure with 60-90-1?
  12. Mate bot is still not working. Stands idle while checking the "items kept on death" bag, keeps trying to hop worlds with no success. Please fix
  13. dib


    Proggy: http://ctrlv.cz/Jhjz
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