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Everything posted by Worthwhile

  1. looks like your account's... dead, man.
  2. edit: sold to aweirdthingy for 30m. thread can be closed
  3. Maybe like 800k-1m max just because of the wc
  4. For people here who want to learn more about men's fashion etc. /r/malefashionadvice is a good start. I don't agree with some of their stuff but thanks to that sub I've changed my style and learnt about fits and such. /r/frugalmalefashion for good deals and /r/malehairadvice or /r/malegrooming for anything related to advice/products for hair etc.
  5. Living in a country where it's always 26-34 degrees celsius, mostly just a shirt and shorts. No boat shoes though, not one of those.
  6. Swapping for him l[20:12:16] Genii | CSGO & DotA 2 Boosting & Account Sales: coming [20:13:31] Genii | CSGO & DotA 2 Boosting & Account Sales: could u post in the thread [20:13:45] Genii | CSGO & DotA 2 Boosting & Account Sales: so i know its you, just say "talking on skyp"
  7. The account is put on sale with an a/w of 36m http://osbot.org/forum/topic/84771-your-starter-main-808580-1x99-self-sufficient-nmz/
  8. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) Nothing worthy in the bank. 4. Pictures of the quests completed 5. The price you will be starting bids at 2M 07 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 30M 07 / 170M RS3 7. The methods of payment you are accepting 07 GP or RS3 GP 8. Your trading conditions You go first unless I deem you trusted. Otherwise, we will use a middleman. 9. Account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I am the original owner. Unfortunately I had to set an email address for security purposes on the account as Chriser stole my fury and whip. I will allow the change of the email to yours during the trade. HIGHEST CURRENT BID: 25M by FloppyDog
  9. Worthwhile

    Fruity NMZ

  10. Quote on this? Self sufficient NMZ MTD account with fletching skillcape. Currently 80/80/80 but hoping to get 85 Strength before membership on the account ends. (also give quote for 80/80/80 in that case )
  11. Works for me now, seemed to have been an issue with the previous version.
  12. Worthwhile

    Fruity NMZ

    You should really update the OP with new graphics after you get it to self-host dreams tbh. Just went to your site and the new paint looks fresh. Also on your site it says $10, is the price gonna increase? ;o
  13. I'm having this issue aswell... deleted osbot folder / ended all java related processes / restarted and problem still persists.
  14. I'm still having this issue. Deleted the OSbot folder, restarted and issue still persists. Only have had this issue with with 2.3.122
  15. y bot ban my acc doesnt it have anti ban feather
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