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Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. After weeks of perfecting my clicks, I am ready to offer my Firecape services to the Osbot community. I am offering free Jads and very cheap Firecapes to help gain trust and feedback. First 10 standard Firecapes are 50% off! Pricing structure: (Can vary slightly based on gear/stats) Required: 40+ Prayer, 50+Hp 1 Def: 70+ range- 14M / 80+ range- 12M / 90+ range- 10M 40+ Def: 60+ range- 12M / 70+ range-7M / 80+range- 5m / 90+range- 3M 1-31 pray: 40-60M Currently only supporting 40+ defence with Vengeance, 75+ range Discord: Jaranide#9108 Order Form Range/Defence Level: Discord Name: Do you agree to TOS?: Terms of Service:
  2. jaranide

    Stealth Quester

    Any ETA on GUI loading?
  3. Check out Jitbit Mouse Recorder, best autoswitcher for hybriding that I've found
  4. I appreciated his input, troll elsewhere please
  5. I've never been great about breaks, pretty much suicide. That's why it was so surprising, and makes me think that the account simply has a small chance of being flagged
  6. Sounds like the method is more important. I'll bot smart
  7. Hello, I recently recovered the first account I ever created, back in 2009. In 2015, I botted 23m magic experience by creating teleport tablets, didn't receive any sort of ban. Currently, I have a new main and would like to use this old account to bot runecrafting or something else profitable. To me, it seems that the account is invulnerable, maybe due to its age? On rs3 it is a maxed account, but I couldn't care less about rs3 anymore. I don't really care if the account gets banned, I am just curious if anyone has had experience botting with very old accounts? Edit: LMAO just realized, check the link in my signature to see how op this account is.
  8. Let me know what you would pay for an account like this! ----- Completely Handtrained ----- Stats: Items: Mith Gloves Book of Law Saradomin God Cape House with special attack regeneration pool and glory Note: Other accounts at the same combat level have 58-62 strength and 68-72 range Range was completely cannoned Strength was trained with quests(1-35), barbarian fishing(35-49), pest control(49-60) and sand crabs(60-66) Let me know if you have any questions about the account.
  9. Yeah brutal rod fishing is the fastest for sure, and I loved getting 46 agility without ever training it lol.
  10. Yeah I barbarian fished from 30-47 str, but after I got 75 mage and 40 combat, pc is just much faster xp/hour. I'll definitely still be fishing when I afk good luck on your mauler!
  11. The Product: Hello OSBot, thank you for checking out the progress thread for my Gmaul Rushing prod. The goal is to create an account that is severely overpowered in it's combat bracket, primarily for rushing. I will never train range or strength normally, so all hp xp will come from rushing/pking. End goals: Combat: 60 HP: 40 Attk: 50 Str: 99 Def: 1 Pray: 13/31 Mage: 82 Long-term goals: Combat: 50 HP: 25 Attk: 50 Str: 80 Def: 1 Pray: 13 Mage: 82 Short-term goals: Combat: 40 Hp: 14 Attk: 50 Str: 54 Def: 1 Pray: 1 Mage: 75 Item/Quest goals: Ancient Magic God cape Unholy book Fountain of rejuvenation Current stats: The plan: I want to keep my hit points level as low as possible throughout the accounts lifetime. This will keep it's combat stats significantly above others in the same combat bracket. I plan to play pest control until 50 attack and 55 strength, at which point I will begin rushing and posting videos. I will continue to play pest control until 80 strength. This is a huge grind, and will take upwards of 200 hours of efficient pest control. I plan on doing this over 2-3 months. With 50 attack and 80 strength, I will have access to the Warriors Guild. The Keg Balance minigame offers the highest str xp/hr without hp xp, typically 28-30k/hour. To compare, Pest Control will be 10-15k xp/hour. This will speed up training immensely, but 80-99 strength will still be a crazy grind. I hope to stay motivated so let me know if you support this project! I will post updates as often as possible/achievements permit. Let me know if you have any questions. Update 1 - 1/2/2017 A couple of hours of pest control out of the way. I'll need about 200 pc points for 50 attack, and another 700 for 54 strength. Update 2 - 1/3/2017 I finished 50 attack and 50 strength, and tried my hand at rushing! As you can see, my first attempt was very successful. Finished the day with 51 str, 50 attack and 40 pc points. Update 3 - 1/4/2017 Lots more PC today, went from 51-55 strength. The grind continues!
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