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  1. ran this for 15min got banned lol phoenix necklase
  2. don't bot 's hard to quantify when risk is higher when it comes to botting; I would be extra cautious no matter where you bot. Keep sessions short (~30min-1h), use generous breaks (at least for as long as you bot) and play legitimately between sessions. Those are just some guidelines Anyone stil having succes with this bot?
  3. What max botting time do you recommend for jewellery enchanting?
  4. Whats the safest option? and do you have autosplasher?
  5. keep us up to date if a soulwars bot comes out!!
  6. Zerker With 60atk 31 pray 176qp (bgloves) + Void also a rune pouch
  7. how do i cancle the bot i dont need it anymore and i dont want to pay monthly
  8. I can't w8 for the update because im bussy making a sikc pure but it's too obvious eating at the same health and the same route. Do you know when ur going to update it ?
  9. can't you randomise the % health that the bots eat ? and randomise how to agro the crabs ?
  10. mine doesnt seems to work... right after the click play it opens my bank tabb and directly close it and log out.. how can i fix this?
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