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Everything posted by Speakmore

  1. Thanks for your response! I really think this should be changed soon, because people are getting infracted for pretty stupid things.
  2. As Rare stated above, it is too bland for me as well. Nothing really going on or to look at, just blocked text and light on the blue side, and a red side. Can't wait to see your revisions in v2!
  3. I actually like this one -___- I like the corniness of it all. I definitely like it better than your current one however, I think your current one is pretty bland, just two colors.
  4. Speakmore

    Rule Change

    I would like to request that a Rule be changed; More specifically the rule as far as trolling goes. I'd like for it to not be enforced in certain areas of the forums, such as the Spam section, and maybe the Live Chat. The reason I want this change is because if the forums is pretty much 100% business all the time, it's really no fun, and for someone like me who is on the forums 8+ hours a day, I want to be able to have some fun instead of seeing just the same old "HELP DA BOT NO WORK" threads and responding, or not responding to those. To what degree is it allowed, I believe trolling should be allowed to the point where it gets offensive. If you start to use offensive terms/language, you'll get your comment removed and infracted for it or a suspension from the Live Chat. Sometimes you just have to let your inner kid out, no matter your age and have some fun. I just trolled for 4 hours straight and got punished for it pretty badly, to the point where one more strike and I'm not longer capable of accessing this forum, which all in all isn't the end of the world, but it's something I like to come on and be active on every day. If you agree or disagree, please not only vote on the poll but post below with some response to your answer so that we could either get this rule changed or not changed. I think some trolling is fun, I know I enjoy doing it, to the point where it isn't offensive. Edit: Not to call out names, but Peter has been getting bashed lately for I guess holding the rules right to the point. He is the most strict moderator I personally have ever seen, and it can be good or bad. But when someone posts in the spam section and someone posts: Chickens You shouldn't be infracted, it makes no sense. We're in the spam section, the posts have no effect on your post count. Let the kids be the kids, and if you want to be mature, than you can step away from our posts or the topic.
  5. Can you get an Admin to add my mail back please?

  6. Does anyone here not use the bot? Please make sure you explain why. Do not simply type "yes" or "no" I don't use it, because I don't play Runescape and I can't wait for the update that takes all the accounts and information!
  7. Let me start off with, more often than not when I'm on the forums posting or browsing is when: 1) I'm in class 2) When I'm in a League of Legends game. So I don't have too much extra time to put my actual thought and effort into EVERY post. Also I don't really get Art Concepts/Words, so i can't talk much about it. Ignorant, whatever. Don't really care what you think, only people I care about is my family and girlfriend, no one else. I type from my phone, I never go on the forums on my computer, so typing takea a but longer but not much. And like i stated above, I don't get Art terms.
  8. I don't need to spend an extra minute+ to get my point across that hey; I like what you said, or I like your design.
  9. *yawn* I like it because the way that green stripe came across the screen in a 67 degree angle was so perfect it made my mouth drop approximately 10 inches lower than it should be. Now I have to get it fixed and am currently wasting more of my time typing this crap. Oh yeah, and that orange background, wow that's my favorite color. Is it Punpking Orange or more of a uhh Carrot?
  10. I'd like to clarify a few things for all active members of the forums. When you're posting, please do not post: "I like it." Or "great work." Things like that. You must post a paragraph on why you like it or else @Koy will infract you. Then when he does, submit an appeal and get it overturned because it was a dumb infraction. Anyway, please post paragraphs on why you like things, even if there is that one other thread that was recently posted and you CAN'T WAIT to read it. Also note if you have a higher post count, it's because you spam and not because you're an active member of the community. Even if you're on the forums 10+ hours a day like me, you will not be considered active and posting with a reason, but merely a spammer. Thus why I have stopped posting more than like 5 times a day on these forums, don't want to have to send yet another appeal for a dumb infraction /close
  11. Yeah he infracted me for that shit too. So I'm reporting every post that compliments the artist.
  12. For merchanting I bought Guthix Pages: 40k-50k each! Sold the entire set for 275k-300k Market can be slow at times, I'd suggest advertising buying/selling on Zybez.
  13. Meh That may encourage players to spam more for their rank. Which is probably why it isn't implemented.
  14. I support a download tab. 10x easier than clicikng home than download. I don't ever go on the Home page other than to download.
  15. This will work (for some people), but for people like myself: I have the issue that .... Let's just start out by stating I'm a kid, so my Dad will certainly NOT pay money for a site/product like this as he doesn't encourage "rule breaking" of games for lack of better terms. So I feel like there should be another way to pay (maybe in-game cash?) for people like myself that'd be more than willing to donate, but can't via Paypal, as I've used all mine on LoL!
  16. Speakmore


    I agree with Rare If you want Moderator, you shouldn't have to make an exception and try for it. Should be natural regardless. I'm helpful and active, and I certainly don't have Moderator Status.
  17. I'm currently on a 27 Ranked Game losing streak!
  18. Yes Go to your profile and somewhere in settings will be display name change. I changed mine from Speaknasty to Speakmore Can't give many details 'cause I'm on my phone so it would take forever to tab and find the steps. But it'll be in account management!
  19. ^Yeah now hopefully it's not taking up like 700k at times which was stupid.
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