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Everything posted by Speakmore

  1. I don't play Runescape Lol Don't have an account with membership ^_^
  2. That could be a active persons account. I think I have 16 accounts at the moment.
  3. The EU Nordic lewlz Uhhh you should make it draft mode and instead of saying your champ say your role.
  4. I agree with this. Rare was most trusted and earned it. You tookit away from him and now I will go cry.
  5. No question is a dumb/stpid question /close
  6. Nice thread. I agree with a bunch of it actually. Maldesto should be demoted, I was an Admin of Google at one point or anpther, can I haz CEO? I agree with almost all of the points, and the soul thing is bullshit. Appeal it with Kati, you'll get it removed.
  7. Yo can you carry me to gold 5? I'vve lost so many times at S1 and gotten demoted. Lemme know! I'd be glad to give you feedback as well as OSGP
  8. Speakmore


    So unless the Feedback is ONLY for services/traders, which it is currently. I'd like to propose the option of if someone is helpful on the forums, they deserve some positive feedback to, or the liked count should be added to positive feedback. Probably a bad suggestion, infact I wouldn't mind removing it to be honest. If I don't like someone, I can just go give them bad feedback to screw their %. So vote and post: 1) Add more feedback options 2) Remove feedback 3) Leave it how it is 4) Don't care
  9. I also have a girlfriend, and honestly don't care too much about it. If that is what people want, they can have it as long as it doesn't break the rules like Kyle stated.
  10. Well said Well said *clap clap*
  11. I agreed on this (someone made the same thread) a week or two ago and I agree now. I see then everyday at least 1-3 of them, considering I'm on from 6 am to 12 am checking topics. I think you should have to apply for a rank: Service Provider or something cooler, that entitles you to make a service thread. The Administration/Moderator team would view the application, base it off whatever requirements/criteria, and accept or decline them.
  12. Speakmore


    I don't play Runescape so I dont care about giveaways And idc about graphics on a forum
  13. Speakmore


    1) yes to a report SECTION For char box as well 2) Giveaways, okay, don't care either way 3) Ranks, no thanks. It'll encourage spam and Peter will get anal! 4) No, if you're talking about your favorite desert and the change the topic to cars and your post, you'll make everything else look like spam. 5) Sure, couldn't care less.
  14. ? I was banned for it or suspended, others shall be punished as well. Thanks for the post spamCount++;
  15. I was banned for itAnd yes the mods view it offensive.
  16. Well there is no section for this, so I'll post where everyone can see it *yawn* I'm going to be reporting a mass amount of people, and typing this all on my phone is going to be a pain in the arse. Here we go! Reported Player: @junino320 Reason for Report: Racist/Offensive Language Proof: Extra Details: None Reported Player: @Medic Reason for Report: Racist/Offensive Language Proof: Extra Details: None Reported Player: @Aza Reason for Report: Offensive Language Proof: Extra Details: None Reported Player: @easty Reason for Report: Racist/Offensive Language Proof: Extra Details: None Reported Player: @GoldenGates Reason for Report: Racist/Offensive Language Proof: Extra Details: Flaunting your 500 posts might not save you this time buddy! Reported Player:@h3horizon Reason for Report: Racist/Offensive Language Proof: Extra Details: None Reported Player: @Brainfree Reason for Report: Not Really Sure? Racism? Proof: Extra Details: None
  17. Speakmore


    Well that was the biggest waste of 10 seconds.
  18. LOL Thats his/her profile pic Gg
  19. Speakmore

    100 posts

    Absolutely support, it would show that you've been here a bit and an active member. With the Moderators ALWAYS viewing threads for spam, I'm not sure people could spam to 100 tooo quickly, but you could easily get 100 posts in a week, so IDK.
  20. I was spamming everday, averaged 50 a day. Then got tired of meaningless posts just to be in first, so i hardly post on these forums anymore ;/
  21. I wish i had 100 posts But im not active enough
  22. V2 looks a lot better, but also is bigger too.
  23. Make sure and vote on the poll.Because GG and my vote are the 2 for yes!
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