Does this script allow you to afk guthans? If not, can you create a script for me that clicks a monster you're currently in combat with in a random timeframe that doesn't exceed the new logout?
If the script allows you to afk guthans, please tell me with what options and a free trial to test it.
Could you also add an option in the GUI to loot your own items? When testing the script on an ironman, it tries picking up loot from other players and gets stuck.
My only suggestion this far is when after attacking multi monsters, and looting the high priority item, it attacks the monster that is currently on him. Currently it attacks a monster, loots the high priority item, then attacks a different monster.
Would you rather me post every bug I find on this thread? I'm not spamming, I replied to your messages and stated problems with the script. Just because this script isn't performing how it should, doesn't give you the right to belittle me.
I don't see how people are leaving positive feedback on this script. Almost every location I've tried power mining, it simply clicks the ore with none that I had just mined.
In Rimmington when you choose the iron ore from screen he mines one and runs away, then runs back. When you use the list mode, he runs around crazy trying to get every rock, hardly gets anything because it decides to go for a different rock mid-run.
So far I've had an extremely poor experience.