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  1. frozen8

    Stealth Quester

    So yesterday I got banned from this script somehow. It glitched out for 10 sec but by the time I fixed it I guess they tracked me down. It was doing Prince Ali Rescue. The good news is I only got ban for 2 days.
  2. frozen8

    Stealth Quester

    Will you be adding new quest to it anytime soon?
  3. frozen8

    Stealth Quester

    So I got ban by only using this bot for not even a day...
  4. frozen8

    Stealth Quester

    F2P/P2P: P2P Mirror mode: NO Low CPU mode: NO Debug mode: NO Command line parameters: [only the allow/script parameters are important, no world/bot/proxy/login] Multiple bots running in the same client: NO Do you have tabs in your bank: NO Quick start option: All Quest:RFD Dwarf Subquest Location: Ice Montains (Killing the Icefiend) <MOST IMPORTANT> Logger contents: [INFO][Bot #1][10/08 12:11:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 50 [INFO][Bot #1][10/08 12:11:51 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 50 [INFO][Bot #1][10/08 12:11:53 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 50 [INFO][Bot #1][10/08 12:11:54 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 50 [INFO][Bot #1][10/08 12:11:56 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 50 [INFO][Bot #1][10/08 12:11:57 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 50 [INFO][Bot #1][10/08 12:11:59 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 50 [INFO][Bot #1][10/08 12:12:00 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 50 Additional info: The bot didn't bring enough rune (Magic spells) and he is trying to set the cast while he doesn't have enough rune for the spell.
  5. frozen8

    Stealth Quester

    I did it yesterday and it was fast enough I find. Have you checked the logs? @Token what will be the new quest?
  6. frozen8

    Stealth Quester

    Will you be adding more quest to this bot?
  7. I got up to like 50~ fishing before I got ban using a private script I made. It was a fresh level 3 account tho :P
  8. Is the bot that efficient to pick up bone? It look like your sleep is pretty long
  9. Hey, I'm not sure where to post this but here is my question. How can we make the bot stop it self it? I can log the bot out but it will log back in.
  10. Skrill is a smilar service like Paypal. The difference is it's much harder to chargeback (From what I remember).
  11. I don't know why you guys want a trial. This script is awesome! Just look at my signature
  12. frozen8

    Update day

    My main got ban 1 or 2 weeks ago so I don't think they stopped :p
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