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Everything posted by LoudPacks

  1. Is there a way to check if the account is banned when trying to log in with the login manager disabled? Besides checking for yellow pixels at locations where the account disabled text shows up, is there a better way to check if the account has been banned? I looked at the OSBot login manager code and they have some sort of response codes but its obfuscated so I cant really tell exactly whats going on or how they read those response codes. EDIT SWAG YOLO WITH TOKENS IDEA: package script; import org.osbot.rs07.constants.ResponseCode; import org.osbot.rs07.listener.LoginResponseCodeListener; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; public class LoginListener implements LoginResponseCodeListener { Script context; public LoginListener(Script context) { this.context = context; } @Override public void onResponseCode(int response) throws InterruptedException { if (response == ResponseCode.ACCOUNT_DISABLED) { context.log("BANNED"); } } } In my main.java login thread: getBot().getLoginResponseCodeListeners().add(new LoginListener(getScript()));
  2. I have no accounts this was to see if its worth farming.
  3. Hopefully they'll update it to use them on woodcutting.
  4. It should say on the back of the card, maybe http://vanillavisa.com but it may be different on yours.
  5. This is not true you just need to register the zip code online first. I used to use them all the time.
  6. How much would these be worth respectively? Nothing but agility and they would be non-members.
  7. its gonna be something in terminal like java -jar name.jar where name.jar is OSBot_x.x.jar or whatever the exact name of your jar is. You'll also need to cd /directory to wherever your osbot jar is before running the java command.
  8. Go to CVS and buy a prepaid visa giftcard and then use that to buy scripts
  9. String[] columnNames = { "Username", "Rank" }; JTable table = new JTable(new DefaultTableModel(data.getData(), columnNames){ @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) { //Disable editing of all cells return false; } }); public Object[][] getData() { Object[][] data = new Object[num of entries][num column]; int i = 0; for(String s : inputMap.keySet()){ data[i][0] = "entry i, column 0"; data[i][1] = "entry i, column 1"; i++; } else{ continue; } } return data; } some leaked code. I had a Data class that would write and read to a file and it puts the data into a Object[][] and then the table can load it. The first dimension in the array is the entry count, the second dimension is the column amount. For example if I had 2 entries and each entry had a name, birthdate, and hometown it would be Object[2][3] and then it would populate 3 columns with 2 entries.
  10. I always use events to prevent the tile spam clicking that a normal webWalk call will cause.
  11. Fuck the markets release this and get SII ASAP!
  12. I'm fairly certain its default is true but look at this: private final INodeRouteFinder nrf = INodeRouteFinder.threadSafeWrapper(INodeRouteFinder.createAdvanced()); private WebWalkEvent e; private void walk(Area area, int threshHold) { Position endPoint = getValidEndPoint(area); e = new WebWalkEvent(nrf, endPoint); e.setAllowTeleports(true); //but I think its default is already true, maybe your shortcut isnt supported?? e.setBreakCondition(new Condition() { @Override //removes the parkinson's effect and stops the walking when your close to end public boolean evaluate() { if (area.contains(myPlayer()) && myPlayer().getPosition().distance(endPoint) < threshHold) { return true; } } }); execute(e); } private Position getValidEndPoint(Area area) { //gets a random walkable tile in your area List<Position> positions = new LinkedList<Position>(); for (Position p : area.getPositions()) { if (isValid(p)) positions.add(p); } return positions.get(new Random().nextInt(positions.size() - 1)); } private boolean isValid(Position endPoint) { if (nrf.route(myPlayer().getPosition(), endPoint) == null) { return false; } return true; } I like to make these all static and add a Script argument to each function so I can just do something like WebWalk.walk(this, area, int); in the rest of my classes but you might have everything in one class so do whatever you want. Side note, if you create many instances of INodeRouteFinder rather than reusing the same one, which is why I opt to make them static if using mutiple classes, you will get a heap overflow after 30 mins of running your script.
  13. Once you figure out the paint this is a good tool that keeps track of inventory updates and is more accurate than some other ways. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/51856-inventory-monitor-keep-live-track-of-your-items/
  14. Let me get 13.25M for $15.89? My skype is DonkeyPuncher691
  15. The second one might fail if Blue dye or Golbin mail is null. Maybe null check it or just use the first method.


  18. If you want it flat just do a flat outline, I think it would add some zing to it. Maybe white or a silverish color
  19. Add a bevel or some sort of text border around the letters.
  20. Written for lem0n api but you can easily change the imports and TaskScript to Script. import org.osbot.rs07.api.def.ItemDefinition; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.RS2Widget; import org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep; import lemons.api.script.TaskScript; public class SafeDepositBox { private TaskScript script; private Area bank; public SafeDepositBox(TaskScript script, Area bank) { this.script = script; this.bank = bank; } public boolean isOpen() { RS2Widget openWidget = script.getWidgets().get(230, 4, 1); if (openWidget != null) { return true; } return false; } public boolean openBox() { NPC wizard = script.getNpcs().closest("Financial Wizard"); if (wizard != null && !isOpen() && bank.contains(script.myPlayer())) { wizard.interact("Deposit-box"); new ConditionalSleep(1500, 2000) { public boolean condition() { return isOpen(); } }.sleep(); return true; } script.log("Not in bank! Unable to interact with financial wizard!"); return false; } public boolean closeBox() { RS2Widget closeWidget = script.getWidgets().get(230, 4, 13); if (closeWidget != null && isOpen()) { closeWidget.interact("Close"); new ConditionalSleep(1500, 2000) { public boolean condition() { return !isOpen(); } }.sleep(); } return true; } public boolean depositAll() { RS2Widget depositAllWidget = script.getWidgets().get(230, 10); long freeInventCount = script.getInventory().getEmptySlots(); if (depositAllWidget != null) { depositAllWidget.interact("Deposit inventory"); new ConditionalSleep(1500, 2000) { public boolean condition() { return script.getInventory().getEmptySlots() > freeInventCount; } }.sleep(); } return true; } public boolean depositAllWorn() { RS2Widget depositAllWornWidget = script.getWidgets().get(230, 11); long freeInventCount = script.getInventory().getEmptySlots(); if (depositAllWornWidget != null) { depositAllWornWidget.interact("Deposit worn items"); new ConditionalSleep(1500, 2000) { public boolean condition() { return script.getInventory().getEmptySlots() > freeInventCount; } }.sleep(); } return true; } public boolean withdrawOne(String itemName) { RS2Widget containerParentWidget = script.getWidgets().get(230, 5); if (containerParentWidget != null) { for (RS2Widget child : containerParentWidget.getChildWidgets()) { if (child != null && getName(child.getItemId()).equalsIgnoreCase(itemName)) { child.interact("Withdraw-1"); new ConditionalSleep(950, 1500) { public boolean condition() { return false; } }.sleep(); } } } return true; } public String getName(int itemID) { ItemDefinition itemDef = ItemDefinition.forId(itemID); if (itemDef != null) { String itemName = itemDef.getName(); if (itemName != null) { return itemName; } } return ""; } }
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