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    Delaware, USA

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Community Answers

  1. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 3. Pictures of the quests completed 4. The price you will be starting bids at $200 USD 5. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account $200 USD 6. The methods of payment you are accepting BTC/ETH 7. Your trading conditions You go first or we use a middleman 8. Pictures of the account status 9. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I am original owner and there is an email linked to the account. You will receive the email account with purchase. The account also has rigor augury, and a magma mutagen.
  2. Didn't update my thread but I'm currently not taking orders. Thanks though.
  3. NodeJS for backend and either Angular or React for front end.
  4. yes add me on discord $10 but its pretty simple and I think you could do it yourself for free if you look at the existing code.
  5. Socket will probably be better if you need 2 way communication.
  6. You do realize that runelite removed some of the internal functionality required for the plugin to work? I don't charge $400 either, I originally did around $50 until the patch came out and now I do around $200 because most noobs can't figure out how to bypass the patches. It's also pretty busted so higher prices deter a majority of users but results in the same amount of income in the end. I'd rather charge more and sell less than charge less and sell more. Also on a side note, mine auto updates and people don't have to mess with intelij or compile anything.
  7. Lol that's literally my plugin.
  8. Only for the listener, not for each connection. Although scaling wise it might be a good idea. I also don't see any HTTP anywhere in this post.
  9. server.accept is blocking and returns a socket representing that connection so you can just do something like: final List<Socket> sessions = new ArrayList<>(); while (listening) { ... sessions.add(server.accept()); } You would need to have the listener on a separate thread so that established connections can process data / do IO operations. For more advanced data you could also look into sending binary data or serialization with something like Gson (helps a lot if you want to serialize and send objects across the socket). I like to subclass Socket and customize it a bit so you have more control over each session.
  10. Yoou got a dice bot for use in RS for sale?

    1. LoudPacks
    2. HeartLess
    3. LoudPacks



      It no longer has muling however.

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