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  1. Porky

    Czar Barrows

    Trial please - just need to check it works and i buy - thanks
  2. Hey could I get a trial please?
  3. Chaos Warrior Druids (yanile) - great xp + money maker / high level herbs for irons Cave horrors - black mask, great herbs etc Demonic Gorillas, green dragons, red dragons, lava etc These are just a few that I think could really help - as I said, to be honest I got my value for money and i'm happy - just a few more spots would be great - if not, still more than happy. Regarding bug - it was at stronghold ecurity questions were all incorrect. Haven't gone back to test since
  4. Please update your bot, i probably lost my account now due to bot breaking... I legit can hardly kill anything without bugging atm.
  5. Review after a while of using: You mention it's AIO but has very limited monsters - a bit disappointed on whats available. It would be great for customers to be able to have a list of whats available pre-purchase. I'm using it, and all good but just not an AIO fighter, it fights SOME mobs, no safespotting which you'd expect in an AIO fighter. Secondly - found a bug: stronghold of security - your bot can't enter firstly, secondly gets all the answers incorrect. EDIT - to others reading - the script is very good, just get a trial prior to make sure it kills what you want it to kill. Khal overall is 5/5 developer and i have multiple scripts.
  6. Can I get a trial?
  7. will create you a HTTPS encrypted website with insane graphics + ecommerce platform.

    I'll also add 100k Database for free with 2 weeks automation tool  to target campaigns to your direct clients/competitors clients

    1B OSRS

    Normally charge 5k USD for such services. 

    Please inbox me, this isn't a joke. Your website will never compete with anyone at the state that it's in.


    Delivery time = 48 hours & happy to use middleman and cover costs my side. 

  8. From the posts, it seems losing you will degrade the level of programming here, that's sad.
  9. Porky

    Molly's Orber

    I was truly disappointed, I got banned within a couple of hours on all accounts and I tell you what making 60 mage legit and combat on each to get destroyed like that, was a fucking rip off. Overall worst bots.
  10. funniest thing... I paid for everything on here, vip premiums, low hours etc... BANNED ON EVERRRYY ACCOUNT WITHIN A DAY. I use another bot site... FREE SCRIPT, HIGH BAN RATE AND F2P, FLAGGED IP... no ban, on second week... sorry to say OSbot but I dont think itºs jagex, I think something with your bot that theyve detected, as only complains I see is on this site. Im quite disappointed after spending almost 50 dollars only to get ban hammered on 20 PLUS accounts.. to find out using a basic RUBBISH script else where doesnt get me banned when im hammering the hours in and its two weeks later. edit, thats 50 dollars I spent on here not including the vpsºs i bought, membership paid etc. not to mention most valuable thing, time.
  11. Porky

    Molly's Orber

    it still gets stuck outsider edg bank, this time its because roofs are on, so if people remove the roof, this is no longer a problema.
  12. Porky

    Molly's Orber

    purchased script, comeeee onnn molly dont let me down haha. Thanks for fixing bank bug.
  13. Hi Khal, are you going to add in the fire making task so this can be done solo? If not is there a way you can swap my blastfurnace auth and motherload into agility, its like half the price but I cant bot your BF, Iºve 20 accounts this last 2 weeks, 50 cmb, quests etc and all banned within 15 hours of BF, I cant even profit the cost of membership and other stuff needed. Ive done every method, even only 1000 bars, i wake up, banned.
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