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Everything posted by Nate

  1. global moderator? wow u really flew to the top

  2. I'll buy all 0.75$ per M but you go first.
  3. How about @Mio EDIT: Eyy she not mod anymore I am so out the loop Will PM you soon OP, I gotta get the base stats beforehand.
  4. lol @Muffins scammed and came back and now mod where is ur god now muddafucka or was that orange we are all scammers really
  5. Nate


    btw you can get your neg removed if it was false fam
  6. Repetitive shit earlier on doesn't suit your voice.
  7. Your prices are retarded.
  8. Can confirm I am the original owner of the account and it will NEVER be recovered (as a peace of mind!).
  9. nice now I can add a log message and sell my private wc script
  10. I'll give you $1 for your 5M.
  11. hey I bought your whole selection of scripts, but they aren't showing up in my list and it says they expired pls trial
  12. He sexc boii big up moffins best x staker that ever lived, shame I can't say the same about his 100% accurate staking calculator /s
  13. I have a 23m exp 99 fletching account for sale at 20M, but it's not a level 3.
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