Lookin good so far, except it's choosing the wrong prayer for each mode. When it switches to range it puts the magic boost prayer on, and when on magic it puts Eagle eye on. Not sure if I did something wrong but if not that would be a good thing to fix.
My zerk with 99 range, 99 magic & 52 prayer can't get close to killing it Tried it with killing snakelings on & off, seemed to do a little better with killing them turned off. It keeps trying to cast vengeance at a certain point and it seems is also allowing zulrah to hit me with its attack during so even though I didnt bring runes for vengeance. I'm gonna try to change spellbooks and give it another go but the whole using the wrong prayer for attacking thing is a huge problem for someone like me with low prayer level.
Script seems like on a main it would be awesome though.