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Oven Mitts

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  1. Balls. I did do it as equipment. That could also explain the dying possibly? Cuz I'm on a near maxed zerker (92 hp but 99 rng & 99 magic), I should be able to kill it. I did switch to mage gear before saving, though. Any chance you could throw another trial at me so I could see if I can do it before I buy?
  2. Lookin good so far, except it's choosing the wrong prayer for each mode. When it switches to range it puts the magic boost prayer on, and when on magic it puts Eagle eye on. Not sure if I did something wrong but if not that would be a good thing to fix. My zerk with 99 range, 99 magic & 52 prayer can't get close to killing it Tried it with killing snakelings on & off, seemed to do a little better with killing them turned off. It keeps trying to cast vengeance at a certain point and it seems is also allowing zulrah to hit me with its attack during so even though I didnt bring runes for vengeance. I'm gonna try to change spellbooks and give it another go but the whole using the wrong prayer for attacking thing is a huge problem for someone like me with low prayer level. Script seems like on a main it would be awesome though.
  3. Hey could I please get a trial to see how my computer handles it & if my zerk will do well there since it has 99 range and magic?
  4. Hey man, could I get a trial of this?
  5. $400* 400m costs slightly more than $400 my friend. But true. However, the OO isnt trusted on this site either, and could just as easily be you aswell ya know.
  6. Lol. Accepting payment plan because he knows he can (and most likely will) take the account back at any time he chooses. But in the off chance you wouldnt take the account back, yeah, 380m is way overpriced. That costs more than a maxed main from divica & buying from divica at least guarantees you to not have the account taken back. Sorry mang, not tryna sales trash, but I recommend getting your trust up and price down.
  7. Disputed member: http://osbot.org/forum/user/4822-abuse/ Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/104709-rsgppp-looking-for-main-account-with-high-qp/#entry1169464 Explanation: Offered me an account on OSBOT via Post/PM/Skype - confirmed it was him. After transfering the gold he logged out and blocked me.See pictures below: Evidence: https://gyazo.com/3466793c764bdd694b4f37b046eeb6c2 https://gyazo.com/9ce26e7cb201eaf27ce7ab622e2a0b13 https://gyazo.com/ce940360b99f998aa9c1c835d5d4bf4b https://gyazo.com/ade731c123e4030a471f252db0abd840 https://gyazo.com/834956d80401c01c4cd615f85686bfb8 https://gyazo.com/e12be4094081c1f011cfd953f8fc5974
  8. Show me the account and I will make an offer.
  9. Looking for a more established seller, sorry.
  10. See title - PM me with offers. Interested in accounts with 85+ Combat stats.
  11. 175M RSGP or the equivalent in Verified Paypal with picture of US ID sent to you.
  12. Mind if I give this a trial?
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