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Everything posted by Services

  1. Nardah bank isnt working please fix
  2. Banking not working in Nardah pmed u
  3. Quest needed nmz package have you added my discord yes do you agree to my tos yes
  4. Go into the chatbox on the site I’ll tell u the price
  5. Been working on one for just under a month it’s 94/94/94
  6. Hello everyone I am offering a service where I power lvl a fresh lvl 3 to 99/99/99 with nmz quests included 100% hand done with proof All done by me no workers price 150m per acc can do multiples you must supply all bonds and gear needed Accounts being made 14/25 Terms of service 1.You will provide everything needed for the service. Unless stated and agreed upon otherwise.2. You MAY NOT log into the account whilist aservice is being done for you unless you have permission from the owner of the service. If you log in without permission it will result in the termination of the service with NO REFUND.3. When you order from our services, you accept and acknowledge that you must remove allunnecessary wealth off of the account. If you fail to remove said wealth, (unless given a valid reason), my workers and myself are not responsible for any potentital loss of wealth.4. You will pay upfront or use a middleman at your own expense7. Any infractions to accounts while doing servicesare not our responsibility9. No refunds will be given upon any bans because everything will be done by hand and no bots will be used during services10. You must change the password of the accountonce the service has been completed.
  7. Hello czar I find this script lags my computer really hard and others don't I can usually run 2 bots with this I can barely run 1 if there is a way to fix this would be nice
  8. Delete some messages it's full 

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    1. Scotty


      done, send me your skype or discord

  9. THat actully worked thanks a lot lol I didn't disable input
  10. Czar that's didn't work I point in north position and I click and drag but it just moves my Rs player and bargoes away
  11. How do I use the fight bound tile thing f7 everytime I click the tiles it goes red or makes it smaller
  12. Sorry I'm not doing services anymore nor hiring best of luck with yours tho
  13. Services

    65-82 con pc

    Go to chatbox I can do this
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