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  1. What do you think is the best way to learn Java in order to start osrs scripting? Any YouTube channels you reccomend? or just guides on here?

  2. can i get a trial too please?
  3. I made a ticket so hopefully i'll be alright ... It wasn't offensive though and i just bought a membership like 6 days ago OHH WELL ONTO THE NEXT ACC LMAO
  4. It's not letting me...Thats whats so weird to me..It lets me reset my password however many times i need to though.
  5. Randomly got d/c few minutes ago... Tried to log back in and got wrong password message. Tried resetting password, the email greeted me with 'Hi, Character Name Unavailable' Instead of the usual 'Hi, (account username)' Reset password and it still says invalid pass/user .... Tried checking hiscores : no player found... Put a pin and new password on this account a week ago so i can't/should't be hacked..... I had one macro strike on this account already from a year ago, but the ban meter went back down to 0.... According to some google searching, sometimes they ban you like this....Do you guys think I've been perm banned without warning?? Has this ever happened to you?? Iv'e been perm banned before but it always says account disabled, not just deleting a character... Tl;dr Got rekt somehow RIP,,,, i was botting mage training arena
  6. I try to use dragon schim to dds spec back to dragon schim but it just auto wields the dds...Is this normal?
  7. `sorry to say this but im glad its not just me :P
  8. Script used:.... experiments,range guild, mta, and a few others. the experiments one was the one that got me i believe. not the scripts fault, just some dude who reported me on 3 accounts F2P or P2P:.... p2p Mirror or normal client used:..... mirror but i have used normal a few times before i bought sponsorship How manyACCOUNTS banned:.... cant check the mule i transferred the good items too yet, phone is charging so no authenticator How manyACCOUNTS not banned:.... will update... i got banned on my "main" .... only for 2 days though the dude who followed me around @ experiments and reported me on 3 accounts (possibly 4) even taunted me and said "transfer items while you can"... hah.. in a way he was right...cause i was expecting a perm ban if anything.... im happy with my stats though so no need to really bot on that account anymore. depending on if my lvl 3 mule was touched ill bot on that...possibly... meh i really dont mind... whats funny is that i usually bot while im at the computer. except a handful of times. i was at the computer when he was typing to me ,but i was on facebook/youtube.. lmaooo. very strong feeling a simple alt+tab would have avoided this... honestly i dont think mine had anything to do with the update.
  9. some cunt just reported me on multiple alts he had... lmao, fuck hope i dont get banned... transferred my stuff already tho
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