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Saucy B

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Iron Poster

Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. Please leave a quote on the thread or via pm. Thanks
  2. How long do you think it would take you for skills and all quests?
  3. Afternoon All, I am looking for a reputable quester/trainer that is willing to get all the stats required for Desert Treasure as well as the quests, including completion of DT itself. The account already has a botting offence so the training must be done by hand. Stats: 50 att 80 str 1 def 85 range 52 prayer 82 mage I plan on paying in RSGP. Please post your offers and I will get back with you.
  4. Just curious. How long it would take for you to get 300 tickets in castle wars for a halo?
  5. Where can I purchase another month of VIP membership? Everytime I try and add it to my account it won't let me. Please and thank you
  6. Order form: What Order do you need : 62-80 strength Will you fb me/vouch on thread? : Of course. did you add me on skype? Working on it.
  7. I am trying to purchase a VIP subscription but when I click add to card it says "oops something went wrong" can anyone help? Thanks.
  8. Hey Czar, My script isn't up to date with the new GUI, How can I update this?
  9. Saucy B

    Fruity NMZ

    Not my problem... as I stated it won't drink prayer pots
  10. Saucy B

    Fruity NMZ

    Cannot get script to work.... Legit doesn't sip prayer pots and won't even start everytime I try. https://gyazo.com/4e580d58ececaa2e521013fef0fda671
  11. Saucy B

    Fruity NMZ

    I can't get the bot to drink prayer potions. Can you post a guide for the new gui... completely foreign to me.
  12. Should definitely add to script... maybe a world hopper so we can let script run for 6 hours plus and not get reported after staying in same world.
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