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Everything posted by Bobrocket

  1. float increasedSalary = (oldSalary / 100) * payIncrease; float updatedSalary = oldSalary + increasedSalary;
  2. Alright, sorry. I was just babysitting the script and I saw an error so I thought I should report it Mirror mode seems to be working brilliantly otherwise, good job
  3. Glad I could help I got this other completely random error while running my combat script: http://pastebin.com/41FqgA7S I never call anything to do with a GroundItem, so I'm not 100% sure why this happened. Hopefully it will help.
  4. To get mirror mode working, download the latest mirror mode jar (v1.07+ supports mac), and put it in your OSBot/Data folder. Start OSBot and choose Mirror mode. Load up an RS client (people have reported OSBuddy doesn't work, so try just in the web browser), and make sure it is left on the login screen. Start your specified account,and it should detect and load.
  5. http://pastebin.com/39eVesYX Sorry, my VPS doesn't allow copy and pasting through VNC so I had to upload it to pastebin. Edit: trying on 2.3.77 I get this: http://pastebin.com/b7J2S0cg
  6. Switching from interactable.hover to a MoveMouseEvent, give me a bit of time to push the changes to my VPS. MoveMouseEvent code: public void hover(NPC n) throws InterruptedException { if (n != null) { EntityDestination ed = new EntityDestination(getBot(), n); MoveMouseEvent mme = new MoveMouseEvent(ed); mme.execute(); } } Seems that I get NullPointerExceptions at mme.execute();, not entirely sure why as I have never used events before (kept to the methods like hover/interact etc.) Sorry!
  7. Runs really well on Linux. Uses maybe 50mb more RAM than in Windows, and the only problem I have personally encountered is slow mouse movements using the interactable.hover() method.
  8. Edit: Using Ubuntu 14.04.2 32 bit. So, I am testing my own little combat script, and it seems that it can take anywhere between 1 second to a minute to hover over an NPC. The screenshot below shows this (explanation below) Code snippet: if (npcViable(npc) && npc.getAnimation() != 361) { log("Found npc " + npc); npc.hover(); while (!getMouse().isOnCursor(npc) && npcViable(npc)) { npc.hover(); sleep(focusRand(100, 250)); } if (npcViable(npc)) { if (getMouse().getOnCursorCount() > 1) { npc.interact("Attack"); log("Attack by interact"); } else { getMouse().click(false); log("Attack by click"); } sleep(focusRand(450, 750)); target = npc; } else { target = null; } } It gets stuck in the while loop for the duration. On the npc.hover() function, it will move a pixel or so for each iteration. I can tell because of the time difference between the "Found npc" and "Attack by interact/click", as there is no computing heavy code between those log functions (and it will work flawlessly on windows) I know that Linux is a work in progress and so forth, but otherwise it's flawless Seen no differences between Windows and Linux and it seems to use just as many resources too! You did a good job on the new mirror mode update
  9. Are the accounts botted off tutorial island? Are they all on the same IP? Will you provide email? (if needed) If so, I will take one PMing you my Skype
  11. Let me know when it comes out so I can use it It's nice to see someone going for the free/pro approach too, I'm doing it myself
  12. Nice release! I had the idea of doing this, just it would cut the logs instead. You aiming for an SDN release?
  13. Here are my bookmarks (not screenshotting because fuck you): -A Unity3D Minecraft project I took interest in -The song "Forever Young" -The SVG specification for "d" -The wikipedia article for SVG -Some boring imgur posts -The sapphire support page -Some wiki page for Jak X: Combat Racing -My tumblr blog -Some porn -4 more boring imgur posts -A mark scheme for a maths paper -Login page for a porn site -419eater.com -"You Are Awesome - A Message From Zoey Proasheck" -porn -A SNL sketch involving Smash Mouth -2 more boring imgur posts -The Ban Theory thread somewhere on this forum -3 hours of relaxing smooth jazz?? -A skyrim mod list -A porn video entitled "Spank that bitch" which is actually a video of someone reformatting a harddrive -Scripters' info page Do I win
  14. There are some cases where you can win unauthorised disputes, however they are rare. Companies like Steam can just take away whatever they bought, so it is no problem for them to lose out on $10 from sales of a product which can have infinite sales. If you have a business account, you are actually more likely to win disputes (in what I've seen, at least).
  15. This is a neat way of tracking an inventory! Mind if I use it in one of my scripts?
  16. Yeah, the point 3218,3218 corresponds to the point 2468,2010 on the map. Sorry, I never seem to be very clear about my problems :p
  17. So, I have this map (warning super large ass image) and I want to be able to get the world position given a position on this map and vice versa. I have some data however I cannot get any equation to do so. Data points: The world position (3218, 3218) is the point (2468, 2010) on the map. The world position (2662, 3294) is the point (1358, 1861) on the map. Is there any equation to get the correct position? Thanks
  18. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Hopefully I can use the feedback from this to improve my future scripts. Thanks!
  19. That's great to hear! Thank you and enjoy If you have any problems with the script please message me ASAP!
  20. Thanks! Thanks! Everything is either from Runescape or made by my spriter friend, FinalSunny. Thanks! Easiest 1.5k per hour right here.
  21. So my first script, OmniMen, has finally hit the SDN. I'm pumped! (and so should you be ofc) Hopefully it brings some of you a few thieving levels, as it has gotten me 1-32 thieving in 4 hours on a fresh level 3 (see proggy below). If you have any queries about it feel free to message me as I feel really excited about this! 1-32 proggy: Also got a solid 6k gp, gonna go blow it on a bond or 2 methinks
  22. Congrats on the release bro! I wish you all the best of luck with it
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