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Everything posted by bornforbot

  1. I just started a new account and am getting the levels I want before I start botting, but I'm curious if there is a "watch list" type of thing on new accounts less than a week old. Just looking for opinions lemme know.
  2. bornforbot

    Fruity NMZ

    well yeah obviously, i like to see what others do and change it up a bit but im not sure what most people use. Im a rather cautious botter haha
  3. bornforbot

    Fruity NMZ

    Great script! Got 99 Str with this a while ago, but havent used in a while was wondering what everyone else used for their idle settings. Not sure what to put for clicks min/max tabs open and stuff like that.
  4. bornforbot

    Fruity NMZ

    Getting a problem when i start my dream my character doesnt put up protect from melee quick enough after overloading and then gets one banged has happened twice in 4 dreams.
  5. bornforbot

    Fruity NMZ

    Definitely will buy this script but im just curious for those who have it and are using it what are your break times set up as? For other scripts i do around 80 mins on 30 min break (to play it safe on an important account). Whats it like for this script? Will it run for 80ish mins then stop mid game, or will it ignore all of that and just do a run then log unless told otherwise and start another?
  6. I noticed a while ago when i was fishing at barbarian villiage , if i had afk mode on and human like movement, that when powerfishing it would drop the fish extremely slowly
  7. Who else doesnt watch nba?
  8. I want to buy vip, but i use a prepaid visa card and when i try to make the purchase, it says my card is not allowed to do this. My purchases work on all scripts that are one time fee, but not monthly fees. What can i do to make monthly fee purchases?
  9. too late im yoloing it :ddd
  10. I have a main with a total level of 1368 and have every level legit by me done on it, but i want 75 range for blowpipe i am 70 atm and want it asap should i use my czar range guild for a night or two to get 75 range. This is my main whos 101 cb would this look too obvious or would it be fine for a night or two. Just looking to avoid ban all opinions are helpful
  11. i downloaded cyber ghost should that be good now?
  12. if im gonna buy a proxy or vps what web should i buy it from
  13. Just got banned on a noobyish account nothing was lost i have another account that i bot on sometimes how long should i wait before botting on that account or making a new one i dont use a mirror client, or a seperate vpn thing i run only one at a time at the same ip and havent changed it
  14. Id only use good pest control scripts that are paid for and are well used/trusted if they are then i would just afk it the whole time
  15. Many of my scripts stop working after the first break too on log in but i dont use mirror mode
  16. good script used on my pure alot but got banned on nooby account probably because he looked like a bot other than that worth the buy
  17. Could i get a trial of this? If all goes well you should expect another customer
  18. The script is great when it works, but it quits 90% of the time when logging in after my break saying, "Script has stopped. Reason out of Nature Runes" when i do have nature runes (usually over 5k of them in my inventory). I dont know why this happens to me i dont see it on any other posts of this, but many of my other scripts also randomly quit after my break too. If you could fix or suggest things to help me out that would be appreciated.
  19. bornforbot


    Great script, but ive seen it crash the past 3 times when logging in from my break any way you could fix that? Other than that amazing job worth the $3.99
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