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  1. Hey man currently having a issue when running the speedrun for the Ruins of Camzadal. He follows the steps correctly but at the step where he needs to buy a wizard mind bomb, he keeps rebuying it until the inventory is full and then keeps on trying to buy even tho the inventory is full.
  2. It started working after redownloading the client and doing everything back again from scratch lol. Its fixed now but i still dont know what i did wrong before xd.
  3. The scripts that i try to use for my accounts are the Perfect Woodcutter/Perfect Miner and the Perfect Motherload mine. I've made a schedule and filled it with each task. The tasks i've filled in to the schedule. All the tasks have the correct parameters. For the client configurations i've filled in stealth mode low rescource and low cpu. I dont use any group idk if i need to make one.
  4. Hey I have the problem that my bots would start up with the manager but after the bots start up it closes directly after 5 seconds. I checked all the credentials for space faults or my proxies but they all work. i can't see what i'm doing wrong can anyone help with this problem?
  5. Ty for the tip didn't know it was possible for every script on SF network. Been testing it couple of days now on different accounts been going great. Only issue is when i start it up with the CLI file that it won't use the breaks. Keep up the good work
  6. Script looks great, been testing it for couple of hours on 2 accounts, no issues yet. Just one question is it also CLI supported or what parameters can i use? Keep up the good work
  7. Also want to beta test this! Looks awesome!
  8. Is it possible to get a trial? ty
  9. Did order a script yesterday. Had a great service very helpful dude, script works flawless as well . Keep it up definitely would recommend to other people.
  10. Tested it today on a non mirror client had no issues. Tyvm for the reply anyways
  11. I have a problem sometimes with the bot. When im picking at draynor it mostly banks at draynor bank , but sometimes it try's to walk to lumbridge bank and every time it goes in the basement of lumbridge castle and gets stuck. Any idea? (maybe because of mirror?) Love the bot btw xd
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