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Master Awesome

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Everything posted by Master Awesome

  1. Master Awesome


    Would like running to be fix
  2. Is it worth it? Can your lv 3's do this or is it a high reqs?
  3. Wait. Wait. If the scripter is banned. However, we still used their script what would happen?
  4. Sorry for your loss I lost an account with 30m on it when it was recovered. If you doing this for the money don't try to gold farm. There was method of making $5 hour (not runescape realted) somebody was selling for about 1-2m. It got verfied by Master chief you can try that.
  5. Sorry they don't. My main account that got perma banned is still says the same end date as before I got banned.
  6. I also agree. Cory has done much for the community :P.
  7. But.. You .. are in platinum. Nope that is just other Mikasa taking over your body whenever you play league. Case settled.
  8. Yep. One of my biggest mistake starting out league was I always went for the kill more than so cs or objectives.
  9. I never knew that were so many bans at higher elo .
  10. I have to agree that you should of build more carry items since you were so far ahead. Maybe a an axe for amour pen reduction.
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