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  1. How much memory should I apply to the client? How much is sufficient to efficiently run 5 bots?
  2. Hi all, I'm trying to learn how the CLI works and wanted to know if I can launch 4 bots with 1 command.
  3. Hi, why am I getting only 70k xp/h at black salamanders while I can get 120-130k with hand? Am I doing something wrong?
  4. Need 35-65 hunter on my 10hp ironman.
  5. As the title says, i'm looking for a skiller ironman with 10hp and 1 defence.
  6. Do not use a script! I maxed mage on multiple pures/mains never got banned. All I used were mouse recorders for high alching, and everytime I used a script I got banned. Same goes for nmz.
  7. is this script even working at all? none of the options are doing something
  8. Selected to smith steel bars and keep getting this error: [INFO][Bot #2][08/31 02:22:07 PM]: Not loading webwalker, don't need it - we are only staying inside the blast furnace! [INFO][Bot #2][08/31 02:22:07 PM]: No bars found whatsoever 2, moving on... [INFO][Bot #2][08/31 02:22:07 PM]: missing varrock tele for GE .. stopping script. [INFO][Bot #2][08/31 02:22:11 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Blast Furnace... [INFO][Bot #2][08/31 02:22:11 PM]: Script Perfect Blast Furnace has exited! I have both the iron and coal ore in my bank, what am I doing wrong?
  9. Thanks Czar, this script got me to my desired slayer level on my zerker!
  10. Script has issues in the stronghold slayer cave, for example: I need to slay fire giants and I selected only fire giants as target to kill and also selected the tiles on which I should stay for combat. It sometimes clicks on the hellhounds who are one room next to the fire giants and keeps clicking on them unless I move my char back to the fire giant room manually. This was also the case on bloodvelds and aberrant spectres. Nothing weird is shown on the logger tho.
  11. This is hands down the best script i've ever used and helped me with allot of pures. I hope this script comes back asap.
  12. Hello Molly, May I have a trial to try out this script?
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