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Everything posted by NoCC

  1. NoCC

    70 Def Pure

    That's fine
  2. NoCC

    70 Def Pure

    Willing to buy it in one hour if no other bids?? Nvm just realised 35M bid offsite. 35M Highestbidder
  3. NoCC

    70 Def Pure

    Looking to sell it tomorrow.
  4. NoCC

    def pure

    I've got a 70 def one. Willing to sell as is or I could level it up if ya want.
  5. NoCC


    Need 37-53 Thieving asap. Post/PM ur offers and skype.
  6. NoCC

    MM DT + Prequests

    He edited it you dumb chicken
  7. Desert Treasure The Digsite Temple of Ikov The Tourist Trap 37>53 Thieving Monkey Madness Account Note that this is a 1 Defence pure. Post ur skypes and offers below and ill add.
  8. You need atleast 100 PC to sell.
  9. NoCC

    MM + Grand Tree

    PM Me ur skype and we'll talk when u get home.
  10. NoCC

    MM + Grand Tree

    Looking for someone to do these quests, prefer not to transfer my bank. Dont ask me to click some link or go to ur thread, leave ur price and skype below. Currently leveling magic, lvl 24 atm. Let me know what magic you need.
  11. NoCC

    need help

    I'd put my guess on anywhere except for range guild or ogres tbh..
  12. People are getting banned cus botting.
  13. Would deffo be interested in it tomorrow if you still keen, bit too late here now.
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