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Everything posted by NoCC

  1. If everything is quested, probably around 200M+ if trusted.
  2. NoCC


    Lol, I love how people are trying to sell you accounts when you are simply asking for ideas..
  3. NoCC


    Chicken Teriyaki for sure!
  4. Oh no, it means " Im fucking your girlfriend " Edit: I think he is as swedish as you can get.
  5. When are you going to pay me the 100M worth of service I did for you?
  6. If you'd be willing to do DT aswell, I'll definitely use this server in the near future.
  7. My longest is probably a week straight, not 100% about the time but something like that.
  8. Ofc ur going to have to buy and sell an item do get the most accurate price, speaks for itself..
  9. U should be making that in a week tops D:
  10. Obviously everything is automated, duuh..
  11. deffo zulrah, if ur real good u can get up to 4m an hour afaik.
  12. Probably dragon full helms would be my guess
  13. I think you didn't get permed most likely cus old account or very high level one.
  14. I was told potato picking was fucking good money making it is also f2p Run 100 of them per day at like 50k/hour. Mate, that's fucking 5m an hour 10 hours a day which is fucking 50M per FUCKING DAY! 50M x 7 = 350M per WEEK! OH MY GOSH! 350 x 4 = 1400M per month. DO I EVEN NEED TO SAY MORE, HORY CHIT IM MAKIN ACCS RITE NAO!
  15. What exactly are you selling?
  16. Don't know, where would they bank though? As they are ONLY running between Entrana and Karamja.
  17. Saw lots of bots running between Entrana and karamja f2p, not too sure what they are doing but obviously works. Do some research there ^^ Talking 40-50ish each f2p world.
  18. Evan Mald Jr! Congrats dad.
  19. Hm do you reckon? Worth getting another bond to get it? Could get that in couple days.
  20. NoCC

    PC Pure quests

    Just looking for an estimated price mayne.
  21. NoCC

    PC Pure quests

    PC all the pure quests including MM and DT, Mith gloves, horror from the deep from a fresh account. You'll be getting all the stats as well as 43 prayer.
  22. PC this please, got way to lazy to do all the quests.. https://gyazo.com/94ee8a52fc68a4fdf3bfc81aa172e7dd 41 QP :$
  23. If ur selling accounts, ur not allowed till 100 PC. But can do as a service leveling on other users account.
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