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Posts posted by Sufz

  1. Just wanted to note that if you haven't done Rune Mysteries and you do Client of Kourend, and you select it to get Runecrafting experience, it constantly tried to get that xp at the end, although you can't because it doesn't allow you to since you haven't done Rune Mysteries. Just saying so you can maybe somehow prevent it from constantly tryna select RC xp etc and maybe just stop instead.

    1. Stealth Injection or Mirror Mode: Mirror

    2. Logger contents (press "Settings" on top right corner of the client, then "Toggle Logger", copy & paste on pastebin) : N/A, I forgot to get logger content
    3. Description: Keeps trying to get RC xp after Client of Kourend although Rune Mysteries isn't done

  2. 8 hours ago, Fruity said:

    Can I confirm if this is 3.61 you were running? your rock cake hp settings are 2-2?


    Thank you for the logs, will check the camera movement stuff make sure there no visible errors to get stuck with that

    glad it sorted for you

    No option for imbued heart on nmz, is on zulrah.

    Yes 3.61 and I've turned all my idle activities apart from taking mouse away from screen and the problem still happens quite often. My rock cake settings are on 2 max and it's not using it etc. 

    6 hours ago, talipen said:

    Honestly the perfect script. Current run time on this instance is 142 hours none stop. 4.2m attack XP gained, and 7.4m Def xp gained.


    I have no lifed this script from 70/ 74str 70def. It is now 99att 99 str and 94defence. The only time it has stopped is due to the last two Thursdays with updates 

    May I ask what settings you are using and what method? Also is your account quested etc and legitly played on beforehand?

  3. I've also come across what everyone else is experiencing, just now.

    I had pretty much all my OVLs + Absorbs left and the dream ended, not sure why as I wasn't paying attention. I was using obs+rock cake+ovl+absorbs no powerups etc. Also mouse out of screen when idling and I think I had all the other random stuff it does enabled every other minute if that helps.

    At one point I had to rock cake and guzzle down to 1hp when it hit 2hp as it just left it and didn't guzzle.

    Worked fine for me literally yesterday so not sure what's happening now. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Maxlaxen said:

    You are probably too low HP level to use Dharoks efficiently. You should wait until you are about 90 HP.
    With your stats, Obsidian is probably your best bet. Full obsidian, "obby sword" and berserker necklace. 
    I would definitely recommend using Mirror mode, yes. Worth every penny.
    Runtime is hard to say. People can get away with 15 hours, some can get banned for doing 4 hours. If I put it this way: I had 2 accounts a while ago. One that I botted 15 hours a day on with Dharoks, and one pure that I botted 4-6 hours a day with. Both got banned when the ban-wave came.

    Good luck!

    Will look into that thanks!

    Also why would you say mirror mode is worth every penny, does it actually help in not getting banned?

    In terms of the accounts you got banned for, did you bot anything else on it? Also were you still botting when the wave was happening, or was it something like you got the stats, stopped botting and a week later was the ban wave and you got banned then despite not botting for a week etc.

    Also how often are the ban waves and when do they usually happen, does anyone know?

    I've also added this to my main post if it helps - PS: I made this account 3 weeks ago, been playing legit and will continue to play legit throughout the day when not botting NMZ, on the RuneLite client.

    Other than that, thanks for the info! :)

  5. Was wondering what the best settings for not getting banned were if someone can help me please.

    I've got 75 attk, 72 str, 70 def, 72 range, 70 mage, 47 pray.

    I was thinking of training melee via Dharoks and using ovls+absorb right? 
    And for range void+blowpipe with ovls+absorb?

    What would be the method which provides least risk in getting banned? I would be rock cake guzzling myself etc and doing everything myself but only starting the bot once I'm in the dream and it's guzzled and in the correct location.

    Also is it worth getting VIP for mirror mode or not?

    Also how long can/should I be running it for each day, and how many dream? What's recommended/everyone using etc.

    PS: I made this account 3 weeks ago, been playing legit and will continue to play legit throughout the day when not botting NMZ, on the RuneLite client.

    Thank you!

  6. 2 hours ago, Eagle Scripts said:

    All people that voted yes - mind placing another vote on the new poll regarding its price? :)

    And yes, I did indeed take the time to tag all of you :boge:

    Cast your vote here --> 

    Doesn't let me vote on the price for some reason, probably because I voted in the poll already and it's because you edited it or something.


    I would go for $5-7

  7. Disputed MemberOverbeckH

    Why it should be removedFollowing my last dispute over this member, my same reasons still stand. And he has gave me another neutral feedback once the old one was removed. I did not make any rumors up, and I simple gave him the neutral feedback for seeming to attempt to scam me at the beginning of our trade, if he did not try that then I would not have gave him the feedback. Also he was a very rude customer, hence my second reason to giving him a neutral feedback. Now he has given me neutral feedback once AGAIN, and I can clearly see he is not happy about his neutral.

    DetailsI was simply warning the community when I put my neutral feedback on his profile about him trying to scam me at the beginning and him being a rude customer. I did not do it out of any hate or anything else, I was doing what the community deserves to know. He has given me neutral feedback once AGAIN after a mod removing my neutral feedback from him. This time he has another reason which is not true.

    Link to topicEvidence can be seen from chatbox history logs with me and him personally.


    Thank you.

  8. Disputed Member:[member=OverbeckH]
    Why it should be removed: I did not dispute him for not giving me feedback, I gave it because he tried scamming me at first. You can see from the shoutbox chatlog I had with him.
    Details: He gave me neutral feedback because he thinks I neutral'd him for not giving me feedback. However I gave him neutral feedback as he seemed to try scam me at first by saying I level'd his defence and ruined his pure. I then told him I have screenshots etc to prove I did not and then he stopped... I also gave him the neutral feedback as he was generally a rude customer and hard to deal with. I wanted to warn other people that he may try the same tactic he tried at beginning saying that I level'd his defence, so wanted to warn the community.
    Link to topic: Chatlog history I had with him can act as evidence.


    Thank you.

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