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Everything posted by Gilgad

  1. Pretty silly on the other hand, official script writer gives you the same benefits as VIP (IIRC). So anyone who knows how to code can just walk in here for free VIP.
  2. Official scripter is good enough imo.
  3. Apparently you're wrong. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/33261-gilgad-and-levi/
  4. That actually has naked chicks in it tho mate and you can see everything, don't go too far plz :c I have to go to bed and cant moderate your behaviours. (I removed the link)
  5. Gilgad


    Raffy's kidding mate :P
  6. Gilgad


    OSBot is free, enjoy your time away from OSBot.
  7. Gilgad


    Plz ban the OSBot forums for giving me a boner and showing pornographic content. Lol cya had some fun, going to bed.
  8. Gilgad


    Ok I literally woke the house up from laughter because of your new avatar crazyftw. OMG. HAHAHAHAHAHA
  9. Gilgad


    Made me jizz, someone report Laz please!! I'm serious!!! OMG I CANT HANDLE THE STRESS!!
  10. Gilgad


    Raflesia, that is sexual content, my penis got hard, please don't post such rude things on a botting forum.
  11. Gilgad


    Thanks for the mod log.
  12. Made me jizz, report laz please.
  13. Wait wait wait, so now you're saying that my avatar and signature have to do with administration of this botting website? Man now you're just making up stuff lol. Not gonna close this, need to see how much more of a fool you can make yourself, it is the spam section after all hahahahahaha
  14. Got any proof, again? Please stop making yourself look even more like a fool. Use it until you've grown up enough to see what humans look like. Thread closed
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