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Do Not Trade
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Everything posted by Gilgad

  1. Nice, a free wcer thats AIO, much needed. Cant wait 4 release mate.
  2. Another scrub I get to play with ;)
  3. All of your account information is stored on your computer. This merely grabs information from OSBot database via your user you created on OSBot.
  4. Now I have two sluts to mess with
  5. Nothing to say but .........
  6. Gilgad


    I admit, it is a bit strange to have a negative feedback system if it is based on whether they scammed or not, because if they scam.. well.. they get banned. Perhaps there should be a different system named Vouches and Feedback should be what it is meant for, Feedback?
  7. 2 Bots, Max FPS, 1 Client, Normal Settings, scripts running on both, both in world 1 varrock.
  8. There is a pest control script on the sdn.
  9. Gilgad

    Need help

    I have no affiliations with VPS, sorry.
  10. Gilgad

    Need help

    Well this is different to the problem you PM'd me with. You said your scripts weren't loading. This is an issue with the script. Which script are you trying to use?
  11. I know you were warning us, and I was telling you to post a dispute so other members don't get caught by the same thing and we can ban the user that scammed you. Don't get all aggressive.
  12. If you feel you got scammed by a user, post a dispute here to ensure the safety of OSBot members: http://osbot.org/forum/forum/116-pending/
  13. They didn't really cover pking but yeah, same worlds I think.
  14. If you go to www.runescape.com there is an interview on the front page about legacy mode. Basically its combining EOC and the old combat system into one game and upon log in you can select which combat system you would like to use. But I have no EOC account so the update doesn't really matter to me.
  15. If they actually make legacy mode available, it would be nice to actually have an RS3 account to play the old system on. I wouldn't mind it :P
  16. You are not allowed to advertise other sites on this forum. * Locked * Post edited
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