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Everything posted by DPSkillaS

  1. Just delete osbot, and then re-download it. May restart your computer after you have deleted it. If you really have to delete the osbot folder itself (this will require you to enter all the username and passwords of ur accounts again tho which is such a pain in the ass)
  2. Im glad someone made the thread about this. Restrictions are the biggest load of bullshit, I really don't even feel like I have to have an explanation as to why. Should be common sense
  3. Oh shit nice work, Although I'm questioning how you were able to run 5 accounts w/o VIP
  4. I think you do get an email if your e-mail address on osbot is linked to your real email atleast. I always got one when I was VIP, and it needed renewing althought most of the time I was too late anyways. Its really good to keep up with it because you get 10% off the next month.
  5. Never seen so many likes on a thread
  6. Damn son you gotta teach me how to script, still have not made a single one or even tried This looks fun
  7. Oh i see I thought you ment on forums thats why I was confused, but yeah chatbox is funny. I think most ppl only go in chat then because they know it will be interesting
  8. You really posted this? lmao kinda funny i guess
  9. Good work here, might be hiring you soon.
  10. ^^ and this is why im not making 500k/month Also you need to think about the fact that setting/making 200 GDK's all on different servers will take so long that by the time you figure out the first 50, the first ones will be permed.... You'd be lucky to breakeven with this start-up
  11. and who gives a fuck about your hardrive anyways =)
  12. I added you on the new skype. Maybe you should go on the old one, and make a link for us to add you so everyone knows you switched.
  13. DPSkillaS


    Woot time to re-set up my farm
  14. awhh fuck and the hooks changed too so it's actually down... hopefully they get it back up in a couple hrs before i go to sleep
  15. lmfao I can't believe you even made this thread
  16. DPSkillaS

    BETA v1.7.76

    wooo time to set up a farm again, maybe I won't even switch to the new client this time
  17. Trying to make this like facebook I guess? lol
  18. Im WAYYYYYYY too excited for this to come out. omg its so close ;)
  19. Yeah having the same issue here, any of you find a solution? pm me if you wanna help? :P
  20. Full support. hit me up if u need accounts for testing or whatever
  21. YESSSS, random question does banking path include going up and down ladders? Cant wait for it to be released in the store wahooooooo!
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