Well for start let me explain the situation. The user traded me I confirmed that I was the person that he was trading he did not put anything in the trade, then he said thank you and to feedback him. I will post all of the proof I have below here, the reason why I am posting this dispute and not instantly charging back the payment is because I want to have a moderator or @maldesto approve of me charging back this user after the dispute is handle or either payed the rsgp he owes me. Payment Confirmation: (Staff only) This is my account while trading the 8m is already on my account from bond trades: As you can see he declined the trade: This is directly after the trade: This is me logging into my account to get the GP: Another picture of account: Confirmation of his skype match: Skype Discussions: Here is the PM that he send me confirming that it is the person I am talking to on skype: Here is the gyzo picture from the message: http://gyazo.com/0a0dff6cecee6dda73443d3ee51c9c90 Please let me know if I am able to to chargeback the payment or if he is going to give me the gold thank you.
Edit: Also would like to add what the user said before he deleted me: