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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by RServiceGeeks

  1. The proxy port has probably closed you need to get a new proxy, no one knows why this happens but from the looks of it the proxy port is closed it happens all the time just contact provider for a new proxy, that could be the problem or click proxy authentication to authenticate the proxy and or you are entering something wrong.
  2. Yes the guys a beast lol anyways I see the point anyways just gonna request this be closed now thanks for all the FB.
  3. Stupid question for a stupid answer. Detective nice work. Yea I guess its understandable anywhoo thanks for the replies people. I guess I can understand it, guess I need to be more of a man of steel.
  4. Lol I hope your talking about the spam forum typically that is where I post at and that's why its the spam forum for a reason. Also yea I kinda understand what your saying in the statements before the ^ quote. True
  5. Anyways just felt the need to post this up. So anyways I was reported once for making a mistake and selling 1 proxies to the 2 people. The dispute was closed both users were refunded the $5 for the proxy and 1 user was refunded the cost of his account and items that were on the account. After that a shit load of bogus claims come up about being instant banned on proxies bought from me and what not so my question is with these bogus claims I am the only one being hurt in this process. I feel like these users are posting reports simple to be refunded the money paid for the proxy because there accounts are being banned. So what is the punishment for there bogus reports: Kid obviously gets scammed by an impostor yet post up a scam report trying to falsify information and press the issue that it was me basically trying to frame the shit out of me. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/70870-dispute-against-easygoldstop-possiblyscammed-25m-07/ Who is affected by this not him but me only report closed I lose customer because of the lies in this scam report. Another report user lies and says he was insta banned on my proxy. Tested by 3 users of osbot and obviously he was lying about it http://osbot.org/forum/topic/70984-dispute-against-easygoldstop/ Who is affected in this dispute not him but me I lose business because of these ridiculous reports yet the users posting them are free to carry on. At least take some action against knowing they are posting useless shit to attempt to get refunded for services they know are not screwed up. Im losing business as you can see here: So what exactly is to be done.
  6. If you need a VPS I can get you started with a windows 8 VPS it is hourly billing so you would just need 1$ to start and you will be billed on a 24 hour cycle can cancel anytime. 1 hour would = 0.050 and you will be billed every 24 hours unless you cancel in between the day and you will just be billed for the hours you used.
  7. 1 mirror or 1 standard?
  8. Digital Ocean is a good ass company +1 but as you know they do not set your servers up for ready to bot. Most people don't know how to do that using Linux Servers. If you need help with the setup or anything just lemme know ill help ya out.
  9. Like of Dislike this is what I feel about all of em THE BEST IS ANNIE & OLIVER THE WORSE IS ANNIE AND OLIVER Dex- Pretty cool cat calm and collective runs shit smoothly, active in the community gets shit done. Annie- Pretty much keeps a cool head around here, runs shit like every other mod pretty much the equalizer around these parts. Oliver- That voice is to die for, but is pretty cool you know. He gets shit done I believe he is a bit on the tech side of OSbot though. Maldesto- Cocky little man, don't talk much but when he does its maybe a single word or banning someone or being a little smart ass, but hey he is the fucking ALPHA and OMEGA in this mutherfucker so let the man do his thang. Noah- I don't talk to him never have must be quiet guy around here so cant really say I like me or dislike. Asuna- Cool cat laid back more into the gaming community of OSbot so we be chilling and steady mobbin doe. Varc- Varc cool bruh he chill in the cut with a brotha a few times so yea. Developers- They keep us up and running so shidd I cant complain about them Divinity- As long as im still using scripts I aint complaining As for myself as Anti Staff- Im doing good you know moderating stuff around this MF keeping all my young moderators in like all of the above ^^^^^^ gotta keep them on the work you know. One day they will be grown men and women and have to run this shit like me. IF I WERE ANYONE READING THIS JOIN ANTI STAFF
  10. IP's are fresh per droplet each and every droplet has its own IP
  11. Yes I have VPS's that run windows and mirror mode your welcome to pm me or add my skype if you need one I can have ya one setup here within minutes.
  12. That 24/7 customer service lol the words of a tired ass man.
  13. I can get you going up and going PM if interested customer support is online 24/7. Virmach is perfect "virmach is perfect" I tried a vps, that wasnt good for me used for 1-2 weeks. but still got refunded. How is that a recommendation.
  14. None of my proxies are flagged or any crap like that I have loads of customers who use them and no complaints just because you see 1 report where I fucked up and resold 1 proxy does not mean your proxy is flagged and you will not be finding any proof because the proxy is not resold thank you this case can be closed cause he aint gonna find no proof cause its not resold may join the archived with the rest of the bullshit reports.
  15. Someone reported me yesterday talking shit about they got insta banned me, annie and swaq tested the proxy and proved him wrong so who else wants to join the freaking lying band wagon trying to get a free refund for getting banned while breaking rules.
  16. It is not the 3rd or 4th time I have done anything I have made one mistake and I paid for that all the others are just bandwagon kids trying to get refunded for getting banned the fact of the damn matter is your doing shit against the damn rules your freakin botting if you dont want to get banned DONT DO IT FUCKING RETARDS im tired of getting fucking reported every day because idiots are getting BANNED for botting if you dont want to be banned dont bot case freakin closed.
  17. Yes and my membership ran out today so I need to sell my drops for the day to renew my membership lol so BUY MY DAMN GOLD!
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