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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by RServiceGeeks

  1. Ill buy it all paypal add my skype james.horvak-easygoldstop
  2. Logical and I are in the gold selling business together, well today 50m was given to us to sell for max profit from OSbot user Nike. Logical was selling the gold for 2.2-2.3 to a buyer. The buyer scammed Logical and took off with the gold. Logical has agreed to pay me back the 50m that he lost and if anything was charged back from this buyer that has bought from us before he would not be held responsible for it because it is my paypal and he was authorized to use it. So along with the rest Logical has agreed to pay me back 50m@2.17 per M or so but the problem is Logical will not be able to pay me back for a couple of weeks, this is the only problem that I am having. I am going to be paying member Nike back for the 50m tonight which is about 108$ but I will not be able to receive my refund from Logical for a couple of weeks. Logical is my friend as well as my partner and I really do not want to stress him out as far as getting me the money back, but it is imperative that I am payed back within days and not week. Im not afraid that he will not pay me back for I know he will but its the simple fact of the matter "time". Well I would like to leave this dispute here I know there is not much I can do because Logical just does not have the money to pay me back right now and I'm sure he will comment on this thread when he see's it. I do not wish for him to be TWC's or anything like that because I'm sure I am not at risk or nether is he putting anyone at risk but for the time being I have blocked him from using the business paypal as well as zopim live chat. I also have some things that I need to pay for, things like website designs in which I was going to use the money I have to pay Nike back with on those updates but eh its all a stressful thing for the both of us right now. My course of action firstly is getting Nike paid back for the 50m and I will get that done today the part that is affecting me is not a priority right now but after Nike is paid back I would like for it to be. Well thought please.
  3. We have to go first ummm ok I can sell you 100m but I will not be going first and it will have to be through my secure checkout.
  4. Well I traveled to Colorado this weekend because my brother and cousin was graduating college, as soon as I hit the highway my whole network gets knocked offline so my skype instantly gets clobbered up with about 40 instant messages like "My Server is down WTF" meanwhile I am on skype mobile trying to respond to everyone while driving. Then I lose service because we were in the middle of nowhere. Now I am unable to see my network problems because my phone is down because of no services. So all I could think if my head was OMG THE FUCKING REFUNDS ARE GOING TO BE REAL. Then finally I get to a point where I had 2G so I was able to slowly respond to certain users most of them were like " just lemme know when my VPS is back up" im like OK well a couple of hours pass of driving and my Co Owner is like "We have about 130+ un read support tickets" I respond WTF just toggle live chat off until we can solve the issue and answer all the tickets. Then my boyfriend starts complaining about us stopping to long and not making it to the graduation on time so I start driving again and instantly lose service. A couple of hour later I receive a text message from Matt, Matt is pretty much my network manager who oversees all 9 of our data center hardware and network issues and such, he tells me "So 3 of our 8 DC are down" my first question was HOW THE FUCK LONG he responds "15-24 hours" I say JUST FUCK ME BACKWARDS!!! Anyways I spend my whole weekend vacation on skype and my webcam with my managers trying to get servers backup, but I am back now and the hard work starts back again lol. Special thanks to; Nike and some other folks for spamming my skype.
  5. We are aware that some of our server are offline, it is a security issue with our Central Data Center we are working to resolve the problem now. All servers should be back online within 1-3 hours. All servers are back up and running now, thanks for everyone's patients.
  6. Ill buy all of it add my skype james.horvak-easygoldstop
  7. Yes I decided to just do combat and make it 45 defense so I can get a quest cape basically going to make it a main so I can fully experience the game again without the interference of EOC or anything like that. I have always wanted a quest cape so going to get that first and maybe do some Zulrah.
  8. Ill buy it all can you chat me in OSbot chat please. My skype is james.horvak-easygoldstop
  9. What is the forum software?
  10. 20m Edit: actually not interested anymore I thought Varc was Original Owner guess I should read the thread better eh withdraw my offer.
  11. I have a i5 421OU 1.7Ghz with Turbo Boost up to 2.7Ghz 4GB 500GB HDD I can run about 10-12 pretty well, I can also run 3-5 Mirror clients.
  12. Is it giving you an error maybe the image is to big.
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