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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by heptic

  1. Damn, i would only ever let like 5k bars worth stay on the acc if even 5k maybe 2-3k
  2. Did you get time to xfer the steel bars before they banned you?
  3. The tweet pic didnt load for me :P I was botting another skill
  4. Normally max melee go for 60m-70m but with stats i recon its worth about 80-90m.
  5. 70m-80m (Thats your 20m included) Nothing on it its 50-60m
  6. What happened? I decided to run one of my accounts for 12 hours yesterday? Am i fucked?
  7. heptic

    My story

    You forgot to add the PornHub subscription you have cus your girl said no
  8. This is a very nice main IMO this account's worth 100-120m, the minor ban also is kinda
  9. I have a staker with those stats, a lot of bs happens. Just get maxed then stake IMO best thing to do
  10. Gz on release looks awesome
  11. If you get veng + barrows gloves it would be much higher, the minor ban also decreases the value
  12. Around 30-40% but maybe if you're a trusted person it doesn't drop price as much.
  13. heptic


    Gl on making a amazing script
  14. heptic


    Try a new script, or delete client re download client
  15. Bank transfers or swap for ingame gold then sell to a trusted buyer
  16. Cannon balls or steel darts
  17. Only if im playing legit lol
  18. Only if im playing legit lol
  19. When re-sizeable mode came out before eoc i never used it i liked fixed better, i dont think it would increase theban rate
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