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  1. Hi, bought this a long time ago. Tried reusing today but can't seem to get to work, shoots the target once then stands still
  2. Hey @Khaleesi, could I get a trial thanks
  3. Naffer


    Hey @Tom, could I get a trial thanks
  4. Naffer

    Molly's Thiever

    Could I get a trial, thanks
  5. Been a long time since I've played OSRS and botted, could I get a trial. Thanks
  6. Naffer

    Molly's Thiever

    Could I get a trial please, thanks.
  7. Looking for an 89+ Hunter account, lemme know how much. Thanks
  8. They got me, picked up a 1 day ban. (bot busting moderate) Even though I already had a botting offence on my account, also a nice warning saying if I repeat the offence I will be permanently banned. Time to slay on my alt.
  9. Around 5 hours so 5 bot, 5 off, 5 bot. Has anyone actually received a ban using this script? As Juggles said, the bot does a lot. Switches tasks, travels etc. Hit 71 Slayer earlier too.
  10. Around 10 hours per day, 2 5 hour stints. I haven't really seen people getting banned from Slayer so I've been pushing it. Seems to be going well though, 91 Strength now.
  11. Now 91 Strength, would be great if Neive was added.
  12. Just hit 90 Strength and 70 Slayer.
  13. Any idea how this would run on a brand new account?
  14. Doesn't seem to know where to go on the terror dog task
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