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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Trial started, yes its lifetime access
  2. Tom


    Sorry mate, busy week. Trial started, let me know if you miss the time window
  3. Tom


    If you can describe the issue I can provide a way to fix it for yourself, and possibly others. Check the logger for more info, you may be missing something Refunds are handled by OSBot through the refund section
  4. Tom


    DId you happen to be on a PvP world? If so I know the problem and can fix it
  5. Tom


    Youl have to configure the breaks within OSBot settings I think
  6. Tom


    Are you by any chance on a pvp world? I thought I fixed this trial started trial started
  7. Tom


    Script uses the inbuilt OSBot break system, it will wait until you are out of the wilderness before starting a break
  8. Tom


    Gave you a trial if you want to try it yourself
  9. Tom


    Its updated now, so just activated your trial
  10. Tom


    Unfortunately not, i think I just missed the window so it could be a 12-18 hours from now You can join the discord in my signature and remind me to check sooner, since I only check the forums once or twice per day
  11. Tom


    Ok I missed the part with complete(), so may have to wait a little longer for approval again
  12. Tom


    The only place in the game where you can fish minnows
  13. Tom


    It probably doesnt at the moment, but I just submitted a change that allows it to be launched and skip the GUI. As long as you set any launch argument (doesnt matter what, just as long as you put something there), it should just roll with the default config of using rings of dueling and amulet of glory Probably will take 24 hours or so for that to get approved, and if you want to try it with queues or whatever I can give you a trial in a day or so
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