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  1. Any chance you'd be interested in a US 29$ Best Buy one for 20? (70%)
  2. Sent a contact request ^^ (at the time still for sale until further notice)
  3. Selling this $29 USD Best Buy egift card for 07 GP. A/W is 8M I realize I have no feedback or reputation on the site but I certainly am not new to the online trading world, especially with Runescape. I am willing to discuss how exactly the trade can be carried out, and of course am always open to the use of a middleman to ensure safety for both parties if you have any doubts. (whether for verification of the card or for the whole trade)!! If you are wondering WHY I am selling this, it is because I am a Canadian resident and am not able to use this card to shop - Can also prove this canadian residency if needed to ease your mind. Looking to get rid of this in the next few days. My skype is "ChaosReps" See proof of the balance below - thanks!
  4. Alch at duel arena w2 or somewhere busy ^^ GE maybe. ppl are too busy to notice
  5. Yeah ive had some mixed experiences with brokers myself - it all depends what you invest in.
  6. Managed to get from 54 - 67 agility so far with Canafis / Seers rooftop on my trial. Will post up some proggies after its up a bit later ^^
  7. Penny stocks you can only make three trades in a week unless you've got 25K to drop in an account.
  8. - Script name Khal AIO Agility - trial length 72 hours (2 day is okay too ^^ - ask and you shall receive? heh) - Reason for trial Deciding what my first script purchase is going to be as I have just recently (3 days ago) came back to play again - I am wanting to get a quality agility script eventually so it would be nice to see how yours works !! - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? Most definitely, I track everything so ill post up some proggies and a review once the trial period is done
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