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Everything posted by justanotherkid

  1. i recommend trying out Digital Ocean VPS because they give you some free credits if you register (or when i did atleast) here's a link by dudeami who guide su through it http://osbot.org/forum/topic/69569-using-digital-ocean-to-run-osbot-start-to-finish/
  2. I will be using my own script to bot 24/7 until this bot is banned; I've had this account for several months now at 70/70/70 for barrows. Will be keeping you guys updated every (few) days. at the end, I will disclose the location I have been training at, thanks. notes: 70/70/70 was done f2p at frogs 9/8/15: 9/9/15: 9/10/15: 9/11/15-9/12/15: unable to bot 9/13/15: 1st acc banned will start using another one of my accounts, has 90/80/80 stats
  3. i wud also lik to shoutout my homies mald, acerd, deceiver
  4. about a month ago i asked deceiver to ban me from chatbox and i think i meant kick becuz i come back every day for lik month and i canot get into catbox. if deceiver can ples see this post n unban me pls i would be hapy. i ment to be kicked from chatbox nt baned. thx guys sry for the misunderrstanding i ment to just be kcked. i wuld like 2 apolojizz to deceivver becus i didnt mean to be baned, i jst wanted it 2 be tmporary not permenant. thx deciever! love, justanotherkid
  5. when i got this desktop it had w8.1, the upgrade to w10 is great because it is much more like w7 which i prefer,, also it has alot of great extra features, i can press windows +g to record games my own little LoL game recorder built in
  6. no way u must be in bronze smurf those def aren't above diamond games
  7. hi jack i been missing u in chatbox sincerely, ur boy
  8. did you play on NA Bijou? I was in WarCry --> Paradise --> Exotic guild when fiesta was at its peak... oh the days
  9. rejected rejected rejected rejected rejected, take urself sumwhere else
  10. Most college students barely even spend a hour per day studying, but here I am spending 2-3 hours a day sweating my ass off studying orgo chem Just curious about you guys, major and hours spent
  11. I've used OVH before, how about you tell us which linux you're using? if u dont even know tht u shouldn't use OVH VPS and should just use windows VPS some i recall OVH offered is debian, centos, ubuntu server,,,,, im not sure about the rest
  12. why does it matter if it's OVH? how about u tell us wtf java and linux u using lmao
  13. botre just open a priv script store x[
  14. it seems having unbalanced levels doesn't mean you're a botter so don't bother wasting your time getting extra stats with scripts http://gyazo.com/ae6c16fb1ab0566d3003ff8b601eefe0 also, their anti-cheat team got an upgrade http://gyazo.com/11a1c24e41c97fa7829ff6bec69f4020
  15. i have i7 quad core CPU 4790 (just below yours) and i used mirror before the reduction and was able to run 6 mirrors
  16. could someone brief me on what deadman mode is? thx and i wanna join too
  17. 14m? it would be worth alot more but bot busting pretty much cuts the price in half
  18. anyway to get the error message?
  19. hey! just a heads up these accounts barely sell for anything; avoiding the bans has been very common information and having a higher smithing level only helps because it allows you to not pay the foreman. higher smithing does not provide higher profit because people choose to only do steel bars on lower leveled accounts because it is quite obvious they are botting. anyways gl on sales!
  20. same ip, when they catch 1 account they caught all ur accounts
  21. hey, does this mean the penalty is removed after 1 year??
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