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Trade With Caution
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About 99b

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  1. 99b

    Fruity NMZ

    what's the ban rate on this now? i got banned like 6 months ago on 2 accounts using this. Just wondering if it's more safe to use it again now.
  2. 99b

    Stealth NMZ

    what's the ban rate like on this script?
  3. 99b

    Fruity NMZ

    hey man just purchased this and i'm having a bit of trouble setting it up i don't really understand what settings i should be using i'm a pure using d scim as my main weapon... and when it went to go into the dream it went over and started clicking on a tree. EDIT : How do i set it up so it'll automatically re put scales and re put darts into the blowpipe?
  4. the curser / alcher is bugged it'll work fine for a bit. But then it starts trying to alch too quick after cursing, and it misclicks the alch then stops for about 5-6seconds. Then starts doing it again for 3-4 times of alch / stunning then starts stuffing up again....
  5. Ban rates seem really high on this Czar could you maybe review the anti ban on this? ran this script on 3 accounts now that were atleast 6 months old and lost them within 2 days at botting 3 hours each day.
  6. Pc on this account? https://gyazo.com/856f07252a880c45f2c0b2189f555579 https://gyazo.com/325ec5233887d0857a44ee20368bde3d It has desert treasure done , Lunar diplomacy , has zamorak book filled , fighter torso, slayer helm , rune defender and fire cape, my skype - tekkit20
  7. what's the ban rate on this like?
  8. 99b

    Stealth Quester

    will there ever be any more quests added to this at all?
  9. yeah man it is mine is pretty much exactly like yours.
  10. hey everyone i have set my breaking time for 240minutes on and 120 minutes break i was using the czar range guild script. when it takes a break it just seems to sit there it doesn't log back in after at all it just logs out and never logs back in is there something i'm doing wrong?
  11. the email has now been changed to the one you pmed me. sorry i have no idea what happened.
  12. which email would you like me to change the email too? I've successfully recovered the account and waiting for a reply now.
  13. alright I'm recovering the account for him i'll pm him the details once I've got a reply to say that's ok.
  14. i didn't recover the account i swear would you like me to try ? you sure your computer isn't ratted? Download malwarebytes.org and run a scan and also avg.org.
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