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Trade With Caution
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About darylo

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  1. @Czar the script still wasn't updated to v118, yet it works fine.
  2. @Czar , this still, not sure if it's an issue or not. Other than that, the script is running flawlessly, already at 20M xp on deadman and made quite a fair amount of gold
  3. does it update automatically or we need to do something? or does it come with a client update? cause im istill on v116
  4. what's the difference between -xmx and -xms?
  5. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/104166-high-cpu-usage/
  6. That's for the reply. Not sure what's the problem here for me, but seems like it doesn't work. https://gyazo.com/3a5d847ef3c91a50fc46e82a600f0350
  7. I'v been surfing for quite a while this morning trying to resolve this issue, found quite a few topics, but still can't figure out how to allocate more ram/memory to the client itself, because I have the "freezing" issue when I run 2 bots on the same client, can't run 2 separate ones because I am not a VIP member. My box is pretty decent with i7 cpu and 16gb ram so that's really not an issue, would there be a single kind guy who would just kindly tell me step by step how to do that proccess? (Allocating more ram/memory to osbot client) Win10.
  8. Just reviewed the script and I would love to try it out, could I please get a free trial @@Czar? By the way does this support cakes as food? And would eat 3 bites of it?
  9. Awesome and flawless script bro ,appreciate it! @@Apaec
  10. Request Template: - Script name Caged Ogres (24h) - trial length 24hours - Reason for trial been searching for a script this whole morning, none free scripts working on ogres, thanks to other osbot users they managed to link me to the caged ogre script, I want to test it out, and really looking forward in buying it. - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? For sure
  11. You're an idiot, first of all don't bot 24/7 at the high ban-risk ranging guild, and you won't get banned, second of all - at that particular version the paint was bugged and it only capped 24hour time-frame(left time to level), after those "12hours" it changed to 24 again, in the new version of the script, the paint is fixed, don't even comment next time if you don't know shit buddy.
  12. At all the people above dying - use ring of life next time. On topic > awesome script bought this ages ago, here's my recent proggie.
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