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Everything posted by ikos9

  1. The question is, can you get me thoose items or not?
  2. I need someone to buy me a very easy obtainable list of items - may alraedy have 90% in ur bank. PM me if you have the items ready within 24 hours. The list goes: 4x bronze bar - uncut (or cut) opal - 1x bread - 4x soft clay - 1x pestle 'n' mortar - 1x chocolate dust - 1x papyrus - 1x silver sicke - 1x black hat - 1x black robe bottom - 1x black robe - 15 full waterskins 2x silverbars - 1x snapegrass - 4x bucket of water - 25x rope - 1x plank - 1x bucket - 6x wolf bones - 1x knife - 150 feather - 2x chisel - 2x hammer - 1x candle - 1x raw chicken - 1x raw beer meat - 1x raw rat meat
  3. what is it? I don't get the video
  4. shit I would love a ghoul killer soooooooooooo bad!!!
  5. Lol. 200M xp in fishing at barbian would not even get you close to 99 strength. - The common method used between serious 10 hp pures and the same method that "Dig lt" did was the warriors guild barrel lifting. Hence why he had to get 60 attack to be able to get in.
  6. Member: Smart Feedback on activity: Hes very active when I see him handle scam disputes and so on Abusive or Non Abusive?: Non abusive from what I have seen; judges fairly I suppose! What could Smart improve on?:N/A Does Smart handle situations well?:To judge him from his actions towards scam disputes and disputes in general; yes. Anything else?:N/A Overall Rating 1/10:10 Member: Nick Feedback on activity:Medium to Low activity, rarely see him. Abusive or Non Abusive?: I find him to get quite annoyed fast and has a short fuse, can be abusive sometimes. What could Nick improve on?:Instead of giving people a ban or something like that, give him/her a chance to improve by telling him what he has done wrong, etc.. Does Nick handle situations well?:No, to be honest, not really. Maybe he can be nice and tell people "Good luck" within the goals section but other than that, no. Anything else?: Posts useless posts in order to gain post count, such as in goals section, even caught him once to post whilst the user has been banned, whereas it stood in the OP post 4 days. - Needs to improve his ways of gaining post count, reputation. Overall Rating 1/10:2 Everyone else is doing a wonderful job within the staff team, keep it up!
  7. Sorry to be harsh mate but this guide has been posted 4 years ago on epicnpc... Not saying it is not acceptable, but if you have claimed it as yours, don't... - Not saying you have, but IF you have.
  8. LOOOL, he wants it raw, dirty pete
  9. ikos9


    Looks good, hopefully the bot wont get stuck for hours now
  10. ikos9

    Dan AMA

    Who is that Melanie Iglesias, post some GIF's PLOX, SO UBER HOT.
  11. ikos9

    Auto Bandits Pro

    Hope this won't turn out as another failure script.
  12. ikos9

    Top Nerd.

    u r 2 stronk for dis forum.
  13. Sees his own profile: Ryuzaki Joined 18-February 14
  14. Interessted in the Package 2 - Please pm me ASAP
  15. He got chatbox assistant with him being a part of the community for less then a month with that forum account? Better buy Sponsor + Vip + 100 $ donor - Global mod here I come!
  16. 99,99$ equal to 07 gp as then if he decided to scam, he wouldn't gain anything back, yet loose 1 cent.
  17. ikos9


    I mahatma I was one of my favourite pkers to watch, damn...
  18. get a veteran rank, so lucky you are, if only I joined 1 month earlier...
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