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  1. i think it might of just closed the screen and had it fall on the floor instead of taking it and putting it in invy because i reran the script and this time i made it so it would just equip them all then logout and it got the new pieces and the previous ones, i think it just let it drop to the ground with the fish for some reason.
  2. i had uim mode selected and i see on my log i got the pants and boots but it never put it in invy or anything did it just trashcan my angler pieces? lol
  3. hasnt updated yet but i will be trying it out as soon as i see that it does!
  4. how is this coming along any progress? would be great to be able to set it to only pickpocket when they are distracted!
  5. hey, weird question but would this be possible to do on my uim for book and wand? or does this require a bank?
  6. oh no worries your scripts are great ill just buy it when i get off work lol. thanks!
  7. would this possibly work on my ultimate ironman? if so could i get a trial
  8. how come when i download this its just staying stuck at the end of the download, wont complete.
  9. could i trial this? and how many zeal per hour do you have a rough estimate?
  10. anyway to run the citizen house chests on my uim jw cuz i been trying it and it just keeps wanting to bank
  11. they get distracted every 90 seconds for about 17 to 18 pickpockets that u never fail on and doesnt require any food at all thats why i was wondering . no failing at all through that method. but for a script i guess i get the point since its doing it for you lol.
  12. is it possible to only do wealthy citizens only when they are distracted ?
  13. ive been running fruit stalls and cake stalls with no food its been working havent had to have food yet, sure i will soon though.
  14. does this support uim at all like if i steal from a stall will it only drop the items i steal or my whole invy? jw lol
  15. does this at all support fixing the pipes that break on blast furnace pump world? couldn't find it just thought id ask.
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