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Everything posted by lilsean1992

  1. Heya czar, for whatever reason, the bot thinks a lot of items are "null" it thinks aswell for instance, my bass in my inventory are "old writing (noted)" im not sure what is causing this, also whenever i try and type an item to loot, there are hardly any items there. and it also comes up with monsters. hope this is at all helpful. sean.
  2. heya khal, sorry to be repeating, but im also getting the bot withdrawing 2.5k, paying the forman and repeating that loop. hope this is an easy fix for you.
  3. hiya buddy, 2 questions, 1. can i have a trial please? and 2. will this use anything as food? as my iron man only has cakes. thanks
  4. heya buddy im having an issue where i set the bot to teleport to camelot, and when i click go it just logs me out. i have the correct runes in my pack and it just doesnt do anything except click log off. hope you can help
  5. i meant it as in "if i did the quests what would it be worth"
  6. someone give me an estimate on my void pure plz. all quested. inc desert treasure and lunar diplomacy for venge. https://gyazo.com/1d8cac476958ca35699213ddcdc60d00 https://gyazo.com/2a4d7ae61619665d705106ce90523b0f https://gyazo.com/731362d5620a36371e73750a07b63a17 gimme a quote for just the account without any items included because i can add them in myself. thanks.
  7. can i trial this? also what are bans like on theiving bots? i'd be doing something thats out of the way.
  8. heya buddy, any chance i could try this? wanna see how reliable the stun-alch is. and wheres best place to cast? thankyou.
  9. hi there, thankyou i figured it out. i needed it zoomed in becase i play on a 50" t.v and all the icons are too small otherwise. can you give me a trial of the script again please? i havent gotten a chance to use it because of the issue. thankyou.
  10. Thankyou I didn't realise I'd done that.
  11. having the same issue where i now cant start the script.any ideas how to fix?
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