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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. Pizza would be a better option.
  2. Next up ban, you have been warned. I'm watching you
  3. Ok, i'll spare you this time. Do not bot again.
  4. It would be best to bot 1-2 hours per day till probably a week then proceed to 3-5 hours per day. And eventually move on from there. Goodluck
  5. https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/model/Entity.html All Superinterfaces: Identifiable, Interactable, Vector3D All Known Subinterfaces: RS2Object All Known Implementing Classes: Character, GroundDecoration, GroundItem, InteractableObject, NPC, Player, WallDecoration, WallObject
  6. Was the MM for this trade. Muwi took particularly long to send payment. It is unlikely Muwi will refund.
  7. When i clicked this, I knew it was going to be a youtube video. Looks like I guessed right!
  8. Yes, main unbanned. Major macro dec 2014. Login id
  9. HELLOOO. Enjoy your time here!
  10. 0, a system that has no cpu in it can't run anything
  11. How do you expect to click something when there's no action after a condition?
  12. When you sell a script like this with stated lucrative profits, it either does not work or it does not work anymore.
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