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Everything posted by Powerful

  1. PP or UK bank transfer only trusted. PM 1h countdown. Current best offer 216m - 220$
  2. Bump Acc is worth 170m at least, dont let it go lower than that
  3. When i save this as my gear what bot does if I leave it at the bank and start it. It would check Trident and pipe, bank ancient gear with blow pipe and log out, wtf??? If I would leave it at zulrah it would make a kill, go to clan wars and log out at the same phase as it would in previous statement
  4. 200m easy to sell fast If person would trust you could pull off 400m
  5. 5m would be my guess if 1def
  6. try acrus gold, i bought an account from them. They seem to be invested alot of money into theyr reputation all over RS black market
  7. at the moment I'm trying new strategy of boosting fishing but it is in a process at the moment. Will take about 14more days and 10days to make sure that there are no soft bans If you are willing to wait that long
  8. are you interested only in 99s? I could get you 3x 85s fishers for 30$ and they would come with proxies that were lvled up with, might aswell would have member on them when 99 fisher will cost you about 20-25$ alone WARNING! If you are thinking of buying 99s for gold farming you are making mistake, people will report you more seeing one 99 on combat 50-60 or lower and still grinding same skill
  9. Powerful


    I have main on Osrs and using osbuddy for it, now when i use osbot client for a bot it comes out very zoomed in like so: how to zoom out?
  10. As far as I'm concerned algorithm that is catching bots applies does apply to every game mode and if they did have something more effective they would apply it to normal game mode as well just because bonds bring big portion of profit to jagex.
  11. about $110 $150 most But no Idea how you would sell it. Best shot would be to get a sponsor banner of osbot
  12. Depends where will you buy that account from, since recovery questions were removed it is harder to scam like that. If you could find someone who sells acc with no reg email. I would say that you are safe I bought Acc from acrus gold and 3months in acc is with me and had no reg email. +If you do buy acc make sure that you will buy from sponsors or 500$ donators as the whole reason of donating money to osbot is to build trust inbtw buyer. Who would like to get banned for 500$ worth acc in osbot for 100-200m Just looked at theyr website they have no accounts at the moment, so I would suggest you try making an orderwith them if they could make you acc for a certain price.
  13. If you can even pull off account without a ban for a week account as minimum could get you 10m, stack those mills and get your self non botted account for 100-200m easy
  14. Yes there is Seers witch is a reward for Camelot diaries, I mean would be nice to have just a simple camelot tele
  15. Camelot Roof tops, There is no selection for Camelot TP just Seers, i dont think many people would bot on Mains Could you change it please>? and camera rotations on seers village roof tops are very odd, camera rotations are 1:1 every single time, pls fix, will get people banned
  16. I was using autoclick to train mage and got 2day ban - used for 40min-80min - ban applied after i finished
  17. acc with 40q points Monkey Madness Animal Magnetism NMZ quests done Lost city Dragon slayer done
  18. 5m max mate p.s thats what I would pay
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