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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. skill issue. jk just check your imports
  2. Turn on new mouse Turn off attack walk None of those work then join the discord and I can take a look
  3. We have a Magic API that can handle interaction for you: if (getMagic().isSpellSelected()) { // spell is selected so now we can interact with item } else if (getMagic().castSpell(Spells.NormalSpells.HIGH_LEVEL_ALCHEMY)) { // we successfully casted spell }
  4. It is still originally built with Java 8 so you will need to launch it with that
  5. Piggy backing off this thread again. @takeovertheworld@Gilles123 Since you liked my recent post ill tag you for an update. https://github.com/christophernarciso/osbot_manager/releases/tag/v2.0.10 Updated: Mirror Flag w/ Launch Game Parameter (No proxy) Break Settings Flag
  6. https://github.com/christophernarciso/osbot_manager/releases/tag/v2.0.10 Updated: Mirror Flag w/ Launch Game Parameter (No proxy) Break Settings Flag
  7. Range only No reported issues right now 2 if you don't have VIP otherwise its unlimited
  8. https://github.com/christophernarciso/osbot_manager/releases/tag/v2.0.9 Updated for new CLI Flags Removed the OSBot account tab since we now have -autologin cli param
  9. https://github.com/christophernarciso/osbot_manager/releases
  10. I'll take some time to update Explv's Manager today with the new osbot cli flags
  11. For CPU you could try to make sense of CPU benchmarks. https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=AMD+Phenom+II+X6+1100T&id=394 The AMD Phenom came out in 2010 while the Ryzen 7 2700x came out 8 years later. AMD workstations are popular rn since you can get a lot out of the ryzen cpus. So maybe do a bit of research on that before going for PowerEdge servers. You want your workstation to last a while and not use old tech
  12. UPDATE VRK-66.0: Fixed a bug with the phase listener that was preventing people from using attack walk under certain conditions. Updated the LootingTask to check for missed loot before starting another kill if there is any available on the ground. Still investigating why this will randomly happen but for now this extra check will pick up the missed items. Renamed log references to Clan Wars to Ferox Enclave.
  13. UPDATE VRK-65.0: Updated the pet condition to be disabled if for some reason you already have gotten one and still kept the setting on. It will not disable the flag if you get the following message "like you would have been followed". Added stop condition checks if you start the script with no weapon OR the script could not load your gearset with their own error messages. Added a stop condition if you have pending items in the death collection on script start. It will look for the following message "You have items stored in an item retrieval service.", "If you die again before retrieving them, they will be lost". Added an attack option setting check to make sure you have "NPC LEFT_CLICK_WHERE_AVAILABLE" enabled. Added an extra looting task full condition check to drop junk items it picks up. "emerald bolts, etc." Added additional logging for the acid phase to figure out some issues where some users are reporting attack walk not working for them.
  14. Just override RandomEvent.values()[lenth - 1] https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/event/RandomExecutor.html#overrideOSBotRandom-org.osbot.rs07.script.RandomSolver-
  15. Yes it will place the runes back inside the pouch when it goes to collect the items on death. Feel free to send me the log in the discord if it happens again. https://discord.gg/CGHsd4a
  16. message me in the discord and ill see if I can resolve the issue
  17. UPDATE VRK-64.0: Slight speed improvements were made during vorkath fight interaction, banking, and more.
  18. UPDATE VRK-63.0: Restock updates for crossbow mode: It will now withdraw from the bank at the start of the script if needed instead of waiting for the Message Listener to register it is missing bolts. The script can be started at the Grand Exchange. Useful for those who mule off their accounts and want to rerun. Updated the Bank Handler logging to be more specific. Added 'Frozen ornate pool of Rejuvenation' to the house interactions.
  19. All you need https://johann.loefflmann.net/en/software/jarfix/index.html
  20. These can be equal by changing the final chain method call in my example. canWalk.getPositions().stream().filter(nonWalk::contains).collect(Collectors.toList()) //List<Position> The Area class accepts the following constructor: Area(Position[] positions) canWalk.getPositions().stream().filter(nonWalk::contains).toArray() The following returns an Object[] array and would not be accepted by the Position[] constructor parameter unless we cast onto the object. I am not sure if my example works as I have only typed it up and did not run a test script to verify. canWalk.getPositions().stream().filter(nonWalk::contains) //Note .filter(nonWalk::contains) is an example of a method reference https://www.tutorialspoint.com/differences-between-lambda-expression-and-method-reference-in-java https://www.baeldung.com/java-method-references
  21. The documentation for AreaFilter states that it will return a new Filter instance containing the Entities filtered by their position. It will check the entity positions to check whether they fall within the provided Area passed in as the parameter. Here is an example of its usage in the NPC API: closest method docs: https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/EntityAPI.html#closest-org.osbot.rs07.api.filter.Filter...- getNpcs().closest(new PositionFilter<>(myPosition())); // Return the NPC that matches this filter // Get the closest NPC that is on my positon. getNpcs().closest(new AreaFilter<>(new Area(1,2,3,4))); // Get the closest NPC where their position is in this Area ..and so on
  22. nvm just noticed i posted in script factory section but the logic should still apply.
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